Chapter 39 - Taste the Wind part 8: Dead God, Living Human

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Under the two suns, the land baked. Not even the slightest breeze could be found. Every breath filled their lungs with hot, burning air. Esther, Jaqueline, and Sandy stood there in a daze, their eyes denying the truth before them. Heart hung behind them, but not even they were immune to the tenseness in the air. Amidst the hollers, the sound of creaking wood broke through.

" Hm...? Oh, you've finally arrived!" Dandy exclaimed from atop the platform. A jester's crooked grin was stretched across his face, which he seemed to have trouble containing. " You were nearly late for your big day!"

" 'Big day'...?" Esther muttered, her lips barely moving.

His sly eyes curved. " You heard me correct!"

Barging forward, Bagon came to a halt before him and planted himself on the ground. " My deepest apologies, Your Majesty for being late." He uttered, his face twisted by deep regret.

" If you're running late, that just means things are proceeding smoothly. Fate has an odd way of working out after all. Your mistake could end up aiding us later on."

" But enough about that. Bagon, it's about time you get our friends here properly acquainted." Seeing Dandy's arm stretch out to the side, the four followed his finger over and laid eyes upon several pillories sitting next to the wall. One of which was already occupied by a man only one of them recognized. Past the gallows, they finally spotted the source of the cheers they'd been hearing. In the street, a crowd was gathered. The look on their faces made it seem like they were about to watch a play. But what they were about to witness would be no mere act.

With help from the other guard, Bagon escorted them each to a pillory and had them all locked up. With an aching back, Heart strained their neck and glared up at Dandy, who was sneering to himself at the sight.

" What are you planning?! Bringing us to a place like this!?" Esther growled through her teeth, demanding an answer.

" I thought that would be obvious!" Dandy replied, his voice annoyingly coy. But not even a second later, his expression reddened with malice. " I'm going to have you guys hung, one by one, until either Juzo comes to your aid or one of you snaps and spoils where he's been hiding."

" News of today's event has been spread all throughout the city and even beyond, so if he's hiding somewhere nearby, there's no way he won't hear of it. If he doesn't show then, well...I guess he wasn't much of a friend." Ending his speech with an encumbering laugh, Esther and Jaqueline paled. Even Sandy's dark expression worsened. Unfazed by his provocations, Heart stared daggers his way and ground their teeth.

" Unfazed, huh?" Dandy uttered, eyeing them and letting out a huff under his breath. " I can't wait to see how long it takes till that mask falls off."

Stepping down the steps of the platform, the moment he hit the ground one of his servants came barreling out of the side hall. Upon laying eyes on Dandy, he lit up with relief and paced over to him. Lowering an ear, the man began whispering into his ear. Try as they might, Heart couldn't make a word he said. Once he finished, Dandy's grin sharpened and he started to move.

" Well, as much as I would love to stay behind and watch, I have some very important business to take care of." He uttered, pacing toward the side hall with the servant trailing him. " Bagon, I leave things in your care."

Bagon gave him a firm nod. With the ever-lasting presence of his aura still wafting in the air, Dandy turned and continued out of sight. Stepping in front of them, Bagon waited a moment to let Dandy's words marinate and their fear brew.

" In case you all think this might be an act..." He began with a breath. "...we'll give you an example."

Giving a stern glance over to some guards waiting by the platform, the four watched as they moved toward the unnamed man in the rightmost pillory and let him out. Once he was free, his legs kicked and desperate cries came shelling out his mouth.

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