Chapter 6 - Battlerences

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Lifting himself up to his feet, Juzo stepped over to one of the nearby windows. He watched the girl who was just in here a moment ago and saw her get slammed away with a heavy club by one of the bandits. Like a leaf in the wind, she tumbled backward. As he was about to turn his gaze away, to his surprise, the girl stood back up. And stretched wide across her face, with all its, it wasn't wasn't evil either. The sinister smile that stretched across her face was imbued with a chaotic and crazy energy that was neither good nor evil. The best way he could describe it was 'confidence'. Sickening confidence no normal human would be able to create and feel. Confidence that led Juzo to believe that this girl hadn't ever felt a single shred of doubt, not once in their entire life.

This person, they reminded Juzo of the god who saved him long ago in that forest.

No...wait...that's wrong. They didn't just 'remind' him! It was like they were a splitting image!

Feeling his heart begin to beat faster and faster, Juzo watched on with his hand clamped to his chest. The hand that wore the purple ring.

He watched her, in no time, defeat the two bandits who were attacking them. Soon after, a man on a horse strolled over. If he remembers correctly, he was the leader of the bandits. Juzo watched the two share a short chat before suddenly, the man on the horse hopped to the side as loud quakes and thumps proceeded to ring out from near the church. Looking over, Juzo saw the Construct, in a violent, land-decimating flash, speed its way over to where the girl was. His heart's thumps grew louder as he watched it storm over to her.

And before he knew it, Juzo found himself bolting out of the church's doors.


As the Construct began to fly up into the air, Heart noticed two shadowy and dark figures emerge from its back. Once they saw what they were, they couldn't believe their eyes.

It was Juzo's shadow hands. They had lifted the Construct up, holding it dangling in mid-air. From over in the distance, they then heard a familiar voice shout.

" Shadow hands!!" Juzo shouted, huffing his way over to them with his arms extended out, all the while, the purple ring on his left hand glowed radiantly. Though the hands were strong, even they struggled to hold the Construct back as it continued to try to battle its way free. Turning back to Jewels, Heart saw that he had broken out in a nervous sweat. They knew that this would be the best, perhaps their one and only chance at taking him down. If they do defeat him and manage to take Exectroller, then the battle will be pretty much over. Jewels and his bandits won't be able to stand against them with a Construct by their side.

All of a sudden, Jewels yelled out, " Everyone!!" Before Heart knew it, bandits began to surround their every corner.

" Just how many are there?!" Heart silently exclaimed as their field of view was soon flooded with a scene of them. Pulling out Rick's knife and clenching it tightly in their hand, they could see the path to Jewels swiftly become thinner and thinner. During the final moments the path was still clear, Heart could see Jewels shoot them a sneering grin, and then a second later, they could no longer see him. Clenching the knife tighter, Heart was about to make a reckless run for him, when out of nowhere...


" LOOK OUT!!!"

From behind, they heard a wave of screams splash over them. Peeking over their shoulder, for a split second, Heart could see the smear of a fastly moving figure jump into the air. As swiftly as it jumped, it fell back down and landed right in front of them. When the shroud of dirt that had been created by the landing cleared, in front of them stood kneeling on the ground, was a large, tall, and muscular woman. Faint scars bathed her body and her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail. She wore a sleeveless shirt and shorts that fit close to her body, close enough that you could see her muscles showing from beneath. It took Heart a moment to realize who she was.

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