Chapter 7 - Cheery, Dreary Festival Night

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After leaving a portion of the guards that came along with them at Willsbarrel to help the townspeople rebuild and recoup from the aftermath of the bandits' attack, Heart and the gang swiftly left and headed to Fei. Due to the battle, they ended up arriving a little after night had already rolled in, a lot later than what was expected. Because of the sudden pushback in their schedule and because of how much the battle had worn almost everyone out, they all decided to stay the night and wait to continue their journey until the following morning.

Turning the knob and pushing open the door, Heart walked inside. " So...this is the place we're going to stay for the night?" They muttered as they scanned across the entirety of the room one of the guards had rented for them to use.

" Yep!" Esther responded, just entering herself. Jaqueline and Sandy proceeded to enter the room as well and take a gander around. Since Juzo was a man, he had been given another room to stay in.

" Esther, Esther! Look!" Jaqueline squealed with stars jumping out her eyes as she peered out the room's window. Outside, the streets were brightly lit and stalls of all kinds were scattered all throughout the area.

What was going on outside was the Lods an Van Festival. By the time Heart and the others had arrived in Fei, it had already begun.

Where Jaqueline was looking, some sort of activity seemed to be going on. Leaping behind her and grabbing Esther by the shoulders, she began to shake them savagely. " Are we really just going to rest while the famous Lods an Van Festival is going on outside!?"

"...You're not tired, Jaqueline?" She confoundedly asked. In response, Jaqueline shook her head no.

" Come on! I heard it's so much fun! Come on! Come on!" Jaqueline whined, pelting Esther with her fists like a child. Though, Esther didn't seem fazed by it.

" I second that idea," Sandy added, joining in. " Come on Esther, it'll just be for an hour or two."

After groaning for a minute, Esther finally gave in and agreed. Without even waiting for another second to pass, Jaqueline zoomed to the door with the others following behind. But as they all were about to leave through the door, a slouching figure in one of the beds caused them to stop. It was Heart. They looked as if they had no intention to come along with them.

" Uhmm...Heart?" Esther uttered. " Aren't you coming along?" Parting one of their eyes open, Heart shifted it around for a moment before responding, " No."

" I see no reason why I should go. That festival is no different from any other anyway." They uttered, with one foot propped up on the other. In a flash, Jaqueline zoomed over from the door and wrapped her arms around theirs. Without holding back, she pulled them off the bed and to the door.

" No way! You're coming along!" She insistently exclaimed.

As they were dragged out the door, Heart sighed. "...I swear this human...and I actually remembered about this body's needs for once..."

After going and inviting Juzo, who decided to come along as well, the five took to the streets and soon found themselves engulfed by the festival's many means of entertainment.

" What do you guys want to do first?" Jaqueline asked the others as she began to gesture to the many stalls surrounding them. " There's a game of bowl ball over there, and it looks like the winners will get a prize! Over there is a stall selling some candy apples! But we should probably save the eating until later." Suddenly, Jaqueline paused and beamed stars towards a stall over yonder. " Ooh! Look over there! One of those target games! Let's do that first!" She said in a pitched voice, speeding over while pulling Heart along with them. The others followed behind and soon caught up.

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