Chapter 19 - The Place I Call Home part 1: Your Name is...

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Standing before them was a young boy with short ratty hair, rosy cheeks, and a sun-kissed face.

Turning to fully face them, Heart uttered, " Long time no see..."

Standing in front of them was their biological little brother, Bulletin. As soon as their eyes had met, an enraged scowl swiftly overtook Bulletin's face.

" You...! What the hell do you think you're doing here?!" He growled at them.

" Whoa, what's with all of the hostility? I don't remember you being like this before. What, did you finally hit puberty?" They snarked back.

" What are you even talking about?! Of course I would be mad if I had to see your ugly face again!" He barked. " You left us! You disappeared one night and a few days later, we hear you went off to play adventurer! Mom was grief-stricken! She was worried it might have been a lie and that you might've been kidnapped! And...and dad, he was shocked as well, but for whatever reason, he decided to trust those haves from the Casimir Family and decided to trust you as well."

" But I hate you for it!" He boomed. " If it weren't for you leaving...maybe dad would've...maybe he...!"

Bulletin proceeded to trip over his words for a moment.

"...Maybe he would still be alive!"

When those words left his mouth, for a moment, time seemed to freeze.

" Hold on...what did you just say? That dead?" Heart uttered. Still searing in rage, Bulletin nodded his head yes.

" Is that so...Well, that's a shame." They muttered. " So, how did he die anyway?"

A few moments passed, and Bulletin still had yet to answer. Instead, the anger on his face seemed to rapidly grow.

" You...! "That's a shame"? He was our father and now he's dead! Gone forever! Do you not even care?" He asked in a shout.

" "Gone Forever"? Well, that's a little wrong. It's not like he ended, he only died. But to answer your question..."

", I don't." They answered with a stone face.

Upon hearing their answer, Bulletin's face began to burn brighter with rage. While letting out an anger-filled war cry, he sprinted forward and reeled a fist back. Swinging his fist at them, Heart dodged to the side and Bulletin went flying past them. Swiftly picking himself back up, he swerved around and lunged at them again. But as Heart watched his fist draw close, with his other hand, he suddenly tossed a handful of dirt at their face.

The dirt flew threw the air and hit them in the eyes, blinding them. Without letting the chance go, Bulletin swung and socked Heart right in the nose. As they stumbled back a few steps, a few drops of blood began to leak out and dripped to the bottom of their lip. After rubbing the dirt out of their eyes and wiping the blood away, Heart threw on a scowl and proceeded to lunge forward, and scraped him clean across his cheek. A dull thump rang out. At this point, they weren't content with just dodging anymore.

In retaliation, Bulletin jumped and pushed Heart to the ground. Pinning them to the floor, he threw two fists at them, which Heart easily caught. For a few minutes, the two threw a few blows at each other and struggled to get the other to concede. Eventually, Heart managed to push Bulletin off of them and straddled him. Just as they were about to punch him in the face again, after seeing his bruised face, they stopped and pulled their fist back.

Standing up and pacing a few steps away, they wiped off the fresh drop of blood from their nose and blew out a sigh. " This fight is ridiculous."

" So..." They uttered, turning around. Bulletin was still sprawled out on the ground. "...are you going to tell me what happened to him? If not, then I have no reason to stay here any longer."

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