Chapter 43 - Taste the Wind part 12: Reunion

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Tired huffs filled the air. Before the gang stood the Ceshilatu, luckily untouched. There wasn't a single guard on site. Due to the chaos, it was no surprise to see that all of them had already fled. Behind them though, destruction riddled the streets. From buildings of all sizes, having been smashed to pieces, laying to waste to large cubic footprints staining the area, leaving scorching sand and stone in their wake. Few bodies littered the street, but that was perhaps because they were much too buried to be seen. Plenty of blood could be found, however. And from the distance, mechanical whirs continued to roar, foretelling future destruction. On the way over, the gang almost nearly lost their lives to one. If it weren't for the screams of several others trying to escape, drawing it over to them, they most definitely wouldn't still be standing at this moment.

" Here she is..." Ayesha muttered, peering up at the scarred structure like an old home. " it hasn't aged a day."

A faint, but growing twinge of sorrow and anger burned in her steeled eyes.

Despite how much each of their feet ached, they knew they couldn't rest. Not yet. And so, with swift steps, they each made their way to the Ceshilatu's front gates and let themselves in. The inside was eerily silent. Even the chaos from outside seemed to hush once they stepped in. Ayesha had already run them all through the areas where the Tools could be hidden beforehand. Of course, Heart already knew, but it is what it is.

" As a final reminder, we're here only for the Tools! If you run into any trouble, don't think! Just get away as fast as you can!" Ayesha told the rest.

Responding with a nod, they all split off and most went their separate ways. The idea was to cover the most ground so they could search multiple areas at once, to save time. Ayesha was the one who suggested it. A simple concept anyone should be able to understand. But with that being said...

"...why are you following me?" Heart asked, stopping in their tracks. Turning, they glared back at Jaqueline, who had been silently following them.

" Heard me, huh? And I thought I was being quiet too..." She uttered, letting out a short laugh and putting an embarrassed hand behind her head. Her usual whimsical smile hung from her face.

Heart gave her a silent stare.

" All right... I know we're supposed to be searching our own areas, but being alone in this place gives me the creeps. Can I come with you?" She asked.

Heart raised a brow. " I don't know...can you?"

With all their might, Heart did their best to hold in their laughter. Meanwhile, Jaqueline gave them a blank and unamused stare.

" Anyway, why me and not that human?" They asked.

" Esther?" She uttered. " Don't get me wrong, I love her like a sister, do I put this?"

" Esther's always been the kindest, most selfless, and caring person I know. I'm sure you've already seen as much for yourself. But she struggles with only seeing things in two ways, black or white."

" If something fits under neither color, she has trouble understanding, but will still try to do her best to help. Because of this, she might do more harm than she knows. I'm not blaming her or anything, but sometimes being with her and her suffocating kindness can be...tiresome." Jaqueline said, her gaze affixed to the floor.

" You know, I'm kind of jealous. Despite all we've been put through, I don't think I've ever seen her cry. Not once when we were locked in the dungeon, not once when we were trapped beneath that rubble, not once during any of our long days of training back at uncle's, and not once during the many times we've been sent out to fight the battles others in the family couldn't."

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