Chapter 3 - Drafted into Adventure

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After the words had left his lips, Theo began to pace back and forth. Heart watched as his fists started to ball up. In a sudden fit of rage, Theo slammed his fists on the table in front of him.

" Dammit!" He yelled, the force from his fists sent some of the papers scattered on the table flying. In an attempt to quell his anger, Gestar stepped over and put a gentle hand on his back.

As he stood there, Theo uttered, "...Another place down and nothing to show for it. Guess I should prepare for the next angry letter the royal family is going to send me. At this point, I'm convinced the core doesn't even exist."

Heart thought for a moment, " Hmm...the Construct Core. It's been quite a while since I've heard that name..."


Sightings of Constructs traversing seas have been as old as time. One day long ago, in the kingdom of Cyend, a member of the Casimir Family took a trip across the sea to see if he could track their movement back to some place of origin. He tried and tested many trails, even getting bold at times and following a few Constructs, trying to see if they would lead him home, but in the end, all trails ended cold. Just when he was about to call it quits, one of the men on board with him reported spotting some sort of land mass to the southwest. Upon confirming the sighting for himself, he had the boat set its sight on this never-before-seen "new world".

When they docked and the crew left the comfort of their boat to explore, they set foot onto a land of scorching heat, taken over by sand, and made many discoveries. But the most important to him was evidence of Constructs leading further onto land.

Seeing the clear importance of their discovery, he and the crew soon set sail once more and travelled back to Cyend. Upon return, they marched all their findings straight to the king, some with eyes glittering for only one thing. After a long talk, the king immediately put a plan into action to explore this new world. Blinded by the potential prospects, his findings regarding the potential origin of Constructs went by with little glance and the task of researching further fell upon him and the rest of the family. However, due to many political disputes and long raging battles regarding the foreign inhabitants and other nations' interest in the continent, progress on figuring out the secret to the Constructs would move at a snail's pace.


Of course, Heart knows exactly what place they are referring to. This 'Construct Core' was the old factory they booted up long ago, to create Constructs in their stead. At the time when they were a god, the Casimirs still hadn't found it. It seems that still holds true to this day.

Gestar then smacked Theo on his back, " Hey, I know this is disheartening, but we do still have a lot of ground to cover. After all, the Staf Desert isn't a small place."

Theo sighed, " I know. It's just that in the last letter the royal family sent me, they said that if we don't find the whereabouts of it soon, then they'll pull our funding even more. These constant trips into Dunadrea we've been sending the scout teams on have been starting to come out of the Casimirs' pocket. If the heads find out I've still been spending money on this, they'll have my head. Many of them have completely given up on trying to find it."

As Theo stood there continuing to sulk, Gestar's large hand patted his back once more. " Well, let them get angry! Once we find the core, that'll put them in their place!"

" But they might take away our Tools then. If they do that, then this plan to find the core and destroy it will burn up in flames. If the royal family had our backs, then they wouldn't dare try to touch us. But as far as I'm concerned, I don't think anybody in the capital, let alone anyone in the royal family still worries about Constructs anymore. They think that just because their numbers are dwindling, they're not a 'threat' anymore." Theo responded.

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