Chapter 26 - Taste the Wind part 4: The Agreement

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17 Days Ago


After saying goodbye to Heart, Esther and the others left Fei out of the west gate and began their trek to Dunadrea. Soon after crossing the separation point and reaching the Staff Desert, they would set up camp for the night with the intent of continuing their journey the following morning.


Rummaging through a crate, Esther parsed through the various items inside, looking for her purse. " Where did I put that thing...?"

From back at the campfire, she heard Jaqueline call out to her, " Hey, Esther! Dinner's ready!"

Turning, suddenly she remembered. " Oh, that's right! I forgot to get it back from Heart..."

Blowing out a sigh, she began to walk back. " Oh point in fussing about it now."

Arriving at the campsite, she laid eyes on Sandy and Juzo who had already started to eat. Jaqueline was bent over the pot brewing over the fire. She could see her making two bowls of soup. As she scooped a spoonful out, the soup's stomach-rumbling aroma leaked out and tickled Esther's nose.

While looking out at all the other campfires dotting the area, Esther found herself a seat on the blanket beside Sandy. Not a moment later, Jaqueline took a seat beside her and handed her a bowl.

As she took the bowl from Jaqueline's hand, all of a sudden, a loud laugh boomed in their ears. Turning her head, Esther saw Sandy laughing loud into the air, giving her knee a few slaps as she did.

" What's so funny, Sandy?" Esther asked.

" S-sorry about that! Juzo just told me something really funny!" She responded, having trouble holding back her laughter.

Turning to him, he proceeded to answer. " She had asked me where I learned my magic from. I told her that God was the one who gave it to me."

" It just caught me by surprise. I completely forgot that he was one of those religious types." Sandy told them.

" Forgot? How could you forget? He's like that every day." Jaqueline questioned under her breath.

" Anyways, now you've got me curious," Esther said, dunking her spoon in her bowl. " What do you mean by that?"

Letting the end of his spoon fall down onto the rim of his bowl, a loud clink rang out. " I meant what I meant. God gave me these powers as a gift for my perseverance and faith."

Setting his bowl down, he lifted his hand up and held his ring close to his face. " For a time I was ignorant, but now I know better. I will no longer let their gift go to waste."

" Perseverance, huh?" Sandy grew a smile.

" Is everything all right, Sandy?" Esther asked her.

" Yeah, I'm fine. I just found what he said a little funny is all."

As she started to pack a few spoonfuls of her soup into her mouth, Esther couldn't help but linger on her words for a moment. They reminded her of something she had been meaning to ask Sandy for a while now.

" Hey Sandy, I've been meaning to ask this but, what kind of martial arts do you use? I don't think I've ever seen anything like it."

Pausing mid-bite, Sandy set her spoon down and gave her a glance. " Hmm...I could tell you, but it's a little complicated."

" Well, I don't mind. If you're willing to tell, I'll lend an ear."

" Alright..." Sandy uttered, leaning up and straightening her back. " The martial arts I use is called "Architout Mi-mine", but in your language, it's better known as "Chain Fingers"."

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