Chapter 5 - A Power Best Described as Godly

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" Come on! Come on! Hurry up!" A short old man barked, whipping his whip at three people carrying a wheel toward a carriage. Standing on either side of him was an armored guard. On one of the sides of the carriage, a wheel was missing. While several others began to lift the carriage a bit up off the ground, the ones who were carrying the wheel started to slide it back in place onto its axle.

" I said hurry up!" He barked once more. The collars around each of their necks began to get warm. With panic, they started to work faster.

The old man then clicked his tongue. " Blast those bandits! Getting in my way! Now, I'm probably going to be late for the Badmosa Convention!"

The Badmosa Convention was a large gathering of slave traders from all over the continent. There, they would attempt to sell their "products" to other traders or people from wealthy families. A variety of other activities are held there as well.

Not paying much attention to their boss, one of the guards started to drift their gaze around the area. Following their eyes along the small pack of wagons filled with other slaves, the guard noticed something peculiar about one in the back. Leaving his boss' side for a moment, he walked over and began looking around.

One of the cages on one of the wagons that were used to house slaves was toppled over and a few of the bars were broken open. As they inspected the sight, little did they know that a large figure was emerging from the bushes behind them.

Right as the guard heard a rustle and was about to turn around, suddenly from behind, a large burly hand grabbed their throat. It was clenched so tightly, the guard couldn't breathe any longer and they started to cough out spats of blood. As the guard's throat was being crushed, they caught a glimpse of who was behind them. A moment later, they died from choking on their own blood.

Letting the body fall to the ground, a tall and muscular woman emerged from the bushes. In one hand, she held the busted remains of a slave collar. Twirling it around her finger, all the while whistling a soft tune, the woman proceeded towards the old man. He was still flinging orders out and cracking his whip without restraint.

" I said to hurry up!" As he continued barking orders, for a split second his eyes glanced to the side. When they did, he caught a glimpse of her. With his heart jumping out of his chest, he fell to the ground in surprise.

" Y-you! How did you get out of your cage?!" He nervously asked. " Hmph! No matter. As long as you still have your slave collar on, you must obey my rules!"

The guard beside him then gestured a nervous finger towards what the woman was twirling around in her hands. Upon seeing that it was her slave collar, now broken, the two screamed for their lives and tried to get away. But before they could, the woman dashed forward and, flattening and arching her hand like a blade, stabbed it through both of their chests and ripped out their hearts. Her hand even managed to pierce through the guard's armor with no resistance. In an instant, the two were dead.

Once she was done with them, the woman threw their hearts to the ground and cleaned the blood off her hand by swinging it down like a sword. The blood flew off and splattered onto the ground. Turning around, she proceeded toward the other slaves. After just witnessing her kill two others with ease, the slaves tried to escape in a panic. But much like with the old man and the guard, she dashed forward and grabbed the lot of them by the roots of their hairs. Lifting one of her hefty hands into the air, the woman swung it down at them all. Shutting their eyes in fear, they let out one final scream before they were about to be killed.

...Or at least that's what they thought. A moment later, the woman dropped them to the floor. Confused, they glanced at each other. One of them then noticed that their slave collar was gone. All of theirs were gone! Up in the woman's hand, she held them all. She had torn each one of them off. Letting the busted collars fall to the floor, the woman proceeded toward the slaves who were still trapped in their cells.

Heart part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant