Chapter 24 - Taste the Wind part 2: Questions In The Sand

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Stepping out of the darkness, a large rabbit-like creature stopped in front of them. It was about the size of a fully grown wolf. Two gigantic fangs extended down from its mouth, which had an inside that was further lined with smaller razor-sharp teeth. Its coarse coat matched the color of the sand and the creature had a pattern of dots going down its back. Finally, on its head, it had two long ears that stretched out toward the sky.

Swiftly squatting to the ground, Heart plucked the torch up off the ground with their mouth. From the side, they could see several more killas walk into view. While shouting out, Ayesha began to wave her torch at them.

" Get back!"

Some of the beasts took a step back and rang out a hiss. Not resting for a moment, Ayesha continued forward, waving her torch around in the air. As she did this, Heart could see one of the killas circle around behind her and enter into a sprint.

Spitting their torch out, they attempted to warn her, " Behind you!"

But it was too late.

" Ahh!" Almost sliding across the sand, the killa jumped up and took a large bite into her side. Wildly squirming, it ferociously pulled and tore at her flesh.

Thinking quickly, she reared her torch around and slammed it down into its head a few times. Eventually, the killa finally gave and while letting out a whimper, it ran away into the darkness. Rapidly, blood spilled out onto the sand, soaking it red, and a flap of her flesh sogged down from her side. But despite the graveness of the injury, in an act that even confused Heart, Ayesha didn't wear a look of unbearable pain on her face. Instead, she wore a look of sheer annoyance and growing rage.

" God dammit! This fucking hurts!!" She groaned, holding her side. Turning her head back, she stared the killas down with unbridled anger swirling in her eyes. " That's it!"

Suddenly jumping forward, she tackled one of them to the ground. The others nearby ran up from behind and swiftly sunk their teeth into her back. Ignoring them, she began to pummel the one she had pinned into the sand. The killa retaliated by biting and clawing back, but nothing any of them did could stop her for even a second. Regardless of how much they tore her flesh apart or how much blood she shed, Ayesha continued pummeling them down without a second thought.

At first, Heart thought she had lost her mind and was about to make a break for it while they still could when they noticed something strange happening to Ayesha's body. Like a miracle had taken place, her wounds began to heal rapidly right before their eyes. Even Heart was dumbfounded by what was happening. Although healing magic exists in this world, even the strongest spells were nowhere near this level. Her flesh was literally growing back faster than the killas could keep up with. They would bite and tear away one chunk only to turn back and it see it back in less than a second.

They had no idea what was happening. In all of their existence, never have they been so perplexed. If it couldn't be magic, then what else could it be?

Meanwhile, Ayesha continued to beat the killas into a bloody pulp. Eventually, most of the killas gave up and ran away while they still could, but others weren't so lucky. The ones that couldn't get away were left half in the sand, whimpering, having been beaten to the verge of death.

After dealing with the final few killas, Ayesha stood there for a moment, letting her wounds heal and taking the time to catch her breath. A mix of her own and the killas' blood dripped down her face and hands, as well as her clothes. With a dark look looming in her eyes, she scanned around and swiftly found Heart standing over yonder.

" Now, where were we?" She muttered to herself, giving her neck and hands a crack.

After scouring their endless libraries of knowledge, finally, Heart came to a conclusion.

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