Chapter 27 - Taste the Wind part 5: Closest Place To Paradise

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Paper, scraps, and all sorts of other odds and ends flew through the air and hit the floor. In a panic, Ayesha scrambled through the box she had hidden the Wind Urns. One sat beside her leg on the floor, but no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find the other.

Slamming her hands onto the sides of the box and lifting herself up, unbridled rage filled her eyes and her teeth grinded together in a violent display. " God dammit, I was so stupid! I just knew she was one of Dandy's! I never should have trusted her! But why the hell did she only take one...? Oh well, it doesn't matter."

After putting the other urn back and safely hiding it away, Ayesha turned and stormed out from behind the bookcase, and continued to her room. Gathering a pack of supplies, she threw it over her shoulder and made her way outside.

" Damn that bunsck! When I find her, she's going to regret ever crossing me!" She thought as stepped out onto the streets, shielding her eyes from an oncoming cloud of sand. "...I just hope I can make it in time."


The suns' burning rays blasted down upon all of their backs as they trekked across the sand. Tilting their head high, Heart could see buildings and all sorts of other structures towering ahead, sprouting out from a lush riverside. Burning Toe was in sight. Sitting just behind it was a long sparkling river, shrouded by a dense stretch of grass and trees, brimming with greeny and life that seemed out of place for a wasteland like this. The entire journey was all building up for this one moment. Finally, they've made it.

" Come on! We're almost at the checkpoint!" Quiltz hollered. Following their lead, Heart continued on across the sand to the entrance.

Reaching the front gates, one of the stationed guards walked over and stopped them. " Quiltz, Milimy! I see that you've returned!"

" Hola!" Milimy exclaimed, taking the guard into an embrace. " It's so good to see you!"

" Yes, I know!" She responded back with a wide smile across her face.

" Yeah, it's good to see you again. Anyways, if you don't mind, we kind of would like to get back home now." Quiltz uttered, grabbing Milimy by the hand and wrapping his other around and onto Heart's shoulder. Moving them along with him, he attempted to get past her, but she brazenly stepped in his way.

" Hold on! I would like to let you inside, but first, you're going to have to tell me who's you're little friend here. You know the rules." Crossing her arms, Hola stood there and waited for an answer.

From behind, Heart could see Milimy and Quiltz send each other a few quick glances.

" Oh, she's just a distant relative coming to stay with us for a while," Milimy told her, pulling Heart in close. Quiltz nodded his head.

Hola stood there for a moment and stared at them, hand on her chin and her eyes crossed suspiciously.

" Hmm... Alright! I believe you! You can head on in!"

" Really?!" Quiltz exclaimed, smiling in relief. " Oh, thank you so much!"

" It's no problem! You guys are my friends, I know there's no way you'd try to do something stupid like try to sneak a cyendite in through the gates!" She replied, the innocence on her face shining vigorously.

With a small drop of sweat rolling down their cheeks, Quiltz and Milimy swiftly grabbed Heart by the arms and began to pull her along with them inside.

" Well, it was great seeing you again! Anyways, we better get going. Thanks again!" Quiltz swiftly uttered as they passed Hola by. With her sending them off with one final wave, the three walked past the front gates and took their long-awaited steps into Burning Toe.

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