Chapter 2 - New Things in Old Places

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Interesting...I'll keep watching and see where this goes...for now


After shaking hands, Esther turned towards the bush she came out of.

" My house is that way, through the forest and towards town." She said while pointing forward.

" I'll show you the way. Try to stick close, it can be easy to get lost in these woods." But while she was talking, Heart had already begun trudging through the shrubs. Before she knew it, they had disappeared.

" Hey!! Wait up!!" She called out, quickly diving into the bushes after them.

As Heart paced forward past the trees, taking swift and heavy steps, Esther caught up and began walking beside them.

" So, do you live around here? I don't think I've ever seen you around town before." She asked. Quicker than Esther had asked, Heart shot back " And why do you want to know?"

" Well," A slight giggle escaped from her mouth, " because I'm curious. If you're not from around here, then why are you out here in the middle of the woods?"

" I could ask the same to you." They responded back.

" Oh, me? I was just...huh? For some reason, I can't remember why I came out here...weird..." She answered.

" Hmm..." Heart hummed in response, completely disregarding what Esther had said.

Up ahead, the two could then finally see an end to the forest. When they broke through the shrubbery and trees, Heart found themselves standing on a road just before a monstrous wall. Being contained within the wall was an equally as monstrous mansion. This was the Casimir family's second house, the one Esther claims to reside in. With no hesitation, Esther marched up to the front gates. Heart followed behind her and hid themselves within her shadow.

" Hey!!! I'm back!!!" Esther brazenly shouted, swinging her lantern back and forth. A moment later, one of the house's guards stumbled out of their post and walked up to the gate.

" Welcome back ma'am." He greeted, tipping his cap. " Did your nightly meeting go well?"

For a moment, Esther stared at him confusedly.

" Nightly meeting? What are you talking about?" She asked. The guard's eyes shifted confoundedly.

" You don't remember? Before you left, I asked where you were going and you said, ' Just to a late-night appointment'." He answered.

"...Strange...I don't remember saying such a thing..." Esther muttered. The guard then began to unlock the gate.

" Oh well, maybe I just misheard you. Anyways, you shouldn't stay out here much longer." He nonchalantly laughed as he opened the gate. Promptly, Esther stepped inside. Using her body as a cover to hide themselves, Heart managed to follow Esther in completely unnoticed. As they both strolled to the mansion's wide front doors, Heart surveyed the courtyard surrounding them.

Even after all these years, not much has changed. Guards still walked the perimeter of the house, though they are not the same ones from before. Although, the pattern the previous guards walked seems to still hold up today.

" Glad to see that hasn't changed. This will make moving around easier." They thought as they were mere steps away from the mansion's doors. When they had finally reached them, Esther stuck her hand out and pulled one of the doors open. Making a low creak, it easily unlocked. As soon as the door had opened just a sliver, something unexpected happened.

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