Chapter 13 - The Blood Guzzler part Final: Liar

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Immediately, The Blood Guzzler jumped back. A nervous sweat fell down his forehead.

A cold, eerie silence permeated the room, which was only occasionally broken up by the sounds of blood hitting the floor, leaking down from the fresh cut of Heart's severed hand.

From the corners of his eyes, he could see his army of rats begin to inexplicably back away from Heart as well.

" What...? Why are the rats moving away?!" He thought, his eyes locked onto Heart, watching their every movement. But surprisingly, Heart barely moved a muscle. All they did was stand there and continue to stare at him.

During his stare, for a split second...

" What the hell was that?!" The Blood Guzzler thought. For a split second, he could've sworn he saw what looked like some sort of "golden heart" appear in front of Heart's chest.

Suddenly after that, they began to move. Steadily, Heart took a step towards him. One step soon turned into two. Just from looking at them, he knew that they had no reason to be moving so slowly. It was almost as if Heart was purposefully taking their time.

Watching them steadily approach, for the first time in a long time, he for whatever reason started to feel fear. The Blood Guzzler began to step back.

" This is no girl...Those eyes are not the eyes of a human...! I would know! I've seen many in my time!" He thought. "...Just what the this 'thing'?!"

As The Blood Guzzler found himself drowning in his thoughts and fear, all of a sudden, he heard a bang at the front door. A voice followed it a moment after.

" Hey! Is there anybody home?! We just saw a flame burst out one of the windows! Is everything al- What? There's a fire?!" Abruptly, the voice went quiet.

" Who was that and what were they saying? Something about a fire?" The Blood Guzzler thought. " What the hell are they talking about?"

Just then in the corner of his eye, climbing across the wall from around the staircase, he spotted the growing flicker of a flame.

" A...A 'fire'!? When did that start?!" He thought.

Just then, the voice from before returned once more. " Hey! Is there anybody in there?! There's a fire! If there's anybody in there, could you come and unlock the door? If nobody does, then we'll bash it down!"

The Blood Guzzler's eyes widened. " They're going to bash it down?! If I don't let them in, then that fire might burn down my house! If that happens, where will I keep and prepare my Lidias?! But if I let them in, they could discover the basement! But what if the fire has already spread down there?!"

While his mind worked to find an answer, he frantically darted his eyes between the fire, the front door, and Heart. His stress began to rapidly increase.

" Arrrrgghhh!!"

" This girl!! She's probably the one who did this!!" Blinded with sudden rage, he took a step towards Heart. But upon seeing the cold look in their eyes once again, he could feel his foot get forced back.

"...D...Dammit! Why...? Why is my body so afraid? It's like it's frozen in place! Is this some sort of magic?" He thought.

This was not any sort of magic. Heart themself didn't even realize what they were doing. After all, they're currently too busy listening to the thoughts that have been flooding their mind for the last minute.

Without warning, he began to hear what sounded like someone banging something against the front door.

Shifting a foot back, The Blood Guzzler grit his teeth and thought, " Screw this!! I refuse to go down here!!"

Heart part 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz