Chapter 28 - Taste the Wind part 6: The Search Begins

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" Who's there?!" Quiltz called out, pulling Milimy in closer to him and worming his other hand to the heavy wooden paddle he always keeps in the room.

" Calm down, it's me." Seeing a sudden light flicker on, the two spotted Ayesha's illuminated face floating in the doorway.

While letting out a relieved sigh, they both shot up to their feet.

" Oh, thank Shiah it's just you, but wait, what are you doing here? I thought you stayed back at your hideout? Why are you here in Burning Toe?" Quiltz asked her as she walked a few steps into the room.

Lowering the light on her lantern a touch, she looked up at them with urgency in her eyes. " One of the Wind Urns is missing. Heart is the only one who had a chance of taking it. Where is she?"

Her voice echoed with murderous intent.

" Now that you mention it, she was awfully protective of that bag of hers..." Quiltz muttered under his breath. " Her room is just down the hall. It's the door at the far end."

Without waiting another moment, Ayesha bolted out of their room and stomped down the hall. Seeing the aforementioned door, she picked up her pace and kicked it open, nearly tearing it off its hinges. Barreling inside, she darted her eyes around but saw no sign of Heart.

" Damn it!"

Stepping into the doorway, both Milimy and Quiltz looked their eyes across the room in confusion.

" She was just here a little bit ago!" She heard Milimy exclaim behind her.

Picking up her feet, Ayesha started marching out of the room past them. " There's only one other place she could be... Even if it's already too late, I still have to at least try."

On her way down the hall, she could feel someone grab her shoulder.

" Wait a second!" Milimy called out to her, stopping her at the last second. " Your look as if you haven't slept in days. I know how important this is to you, but if you keep pushing yourself like this, you're going to collapse."

" Come, stay for the night, rest those dark eyes. Heart couldn't have gotten far. I'm sure even she needs to rest."

Seeing the worried look on their faces, Ayesha furrowed her brow and let her tensed shoulders fall. With long repressed fatigue washing over her face, Ayesha sighed in frustration and let her strictly clenched fists go. Nodding her head softly, she nearly collapsed into Milimy's and Quiltz's arms. Light smiles brightened Milimy's and Quiltz's cheeks. With their help, Ayesha made her way back to their room to get some much-needed rest.


Hearing something to their side, one of the Ceshilatu guards turned and eyed the water. Besides for a few ripples and the usual sight of a floating cluster of leaves and twigs, they didn't see anything of note. After giving it another second, they turned back and proceeded down the dock.

Poking their head out from the water, Heart swam towards the bank, pushing the cluster of debris along with them. Clearing away some of the leaves from the top with their mouth, slowly but surely, a small makeshift float crafted from woven grass and sticks emerged. Resting on top was their bag. Grabbing one of its straps with their teeth, they swiftly jumped out of the water and dived into the long grass lining the bank.

Landing without a sound, they stopped for a moment to catch their breath, letting the cold night's wind hit their wet and bare bod. Letting the bag drop, they flopped it open and wrangled their clothes out.

" I'm so glad that even after all these millenniums, evolution still hasn't weeded out humans like that." They thought, taking a moment to dry themselves off.

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