Bringing on Khaos

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70 Bringing on Khaos

Soaring over the Sierra Maestra Mountain range, Azrael could pinpoint Castor's location. Arryn was checking to see if there was any sign of demons or Draeven. This was a trap, or they were going to catch Draeven off guard. The hope was that even if it was a trap, they could catch Draeven off guard.

Azrael clasped Arryn's hand and teleported the both of them to Castor's location. Midprayer Castor was surprised by a loud boom and a crackling of light. Arryn and Azrael stood before Castor. There were footsteps outside the door.

Azrael blocked the door with his body. The Seal around Castor wouldn't let Arryn through.

"Cover your ears, my love; it's going to get loud," Arryn said, standing before the circle.

Azrael could feel Draeven on the other side of the door, trying to get it open.

"Hurry, Draeven is trying to break down the door!" Azrael shouted.

Arryn opened his mouth and, like a banshee, screamed, "scaoil saor!"

The chains holding Castor flew off of him. The engraved spell on the floor was erased. Castor fell to his knees, and Arryn raced over to catch him.

Draeven had pushed through and was face to face with Azrael. Draeven

tried to push Azrael out of the way. Arryn lept up and unsheathed Khaos screaming, "ann an dìoghaltas!"

Azrael spun out of the way as Arryn landed in his place. Draeven ducked as the sword of Khaos came at him. The flames singed Draeven's hair. Draeven called forth a stream of fire to strike down Arryn. Using the blade, Arryn deflected the spell.

Azrael and Castor moved out of the way of the two fighting. Castor

conjured his bow and arrows and shot any who tried to enter the room.

Azrael covered Castor taking down any who passed with his scythe.

"You are a fool if you think you are getting away with your pet!" Draeven growled.

Arryn felt the power of the sword growing more potent in his hands. Rage

filled him as he lifted Khaos and struck Draeven across his chest.

Caught off guard, Draeven stumbled back. Arryn took another swing and sliced Draeven's head off.

Arryn stood over Draeven's limp corpse and shouted, "Leave now or I will slay you, as I have your leader."

Castor and Azrael were in awe when Draeven's head flew across the room, hitting a wall. Draven's minions turned and ran from Arryn.

Arryn sheathed the sword and turned to Castor, "Let's get out of here."


Azrael was able to teleport everyone back to the hotel room. Castor just collapsed on the floor, exhausted and in pain. Arryn knelt beside Castor and began singing a song of Healing.

Azrael had quietly excused himself and returned to the skies guarding over them.

Castor sat up as his wounds healed and kissed Arryn deeply. Arryn desperately kissed Castor back.

"You, why did you leave?" Arryn cried.

"I was overwhelmed and worried about letting you down; I wanted to clear my head and come back," Castor broke down in tears, "I wasn't trying to leave you, but..."

Holding Castor, Arryn kissed his forehead, "Let me down? My Luv, you have given me a reason to live. And fight for life. I will always be by your side and catch you if you fall."

Castor cried into Arryn's shoulder, "I may not be able to decipher the compass..."

Arryn gently kissed Castor to quiet him, "Look at me. Trying is all I can hope for. If you can't. We will find another way together."

Castor felt a rush of relief and love in Arryn's arms. He realized he could be weak and vulnerable with Arryn and not abandoned.


Allen and Gerald realized that Arryn and Castor were back. Instead of

rushing in to see them, they chose to wait in their room and make sure Karla was doing all right.

Gerald made some tea for Karla with a touch of honey. He hoped that his father's recipe would help calm Karla's nerves. She was so worried about Jana that Karla wasn't eating or sleeping. Allen's tea always helped him. Gerald hoped he got it right for Karla.

Allen had been busy reaching out to old contacts to learn more about this cult & and the knights who are holding Jana captive. Allen wanted to set a trap that would lure the knights away and then sneak in and save Jana. The best way to trick someone is to toss in a bit of truth. He hoped his son and Karla would go along with his plan.

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