Chapter 5

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Patrick was sort of stunned into silence when Lexi and Ashlynn walked in. He wasn't sure they'd come. He tried to smile but he was so focussed on Ashlynn.

"What happened to you?" He asked Ashlynn, noticing the fat lip and thick concealer around her eye.

"Me?" Ashlynn asked. "Uh, I had a run-in with my closet door. I'm a bit of a klutz and I didn't turn on my light to go to the bathroom. I forgot I left my closet door open and walked right into it."

Patrick didn't believe a word she said. He could see she was moving very carefully and she'd winced and made a noise when Pete hugged her. She kept holding her chest as if it hurt to move and even breathe.

Pete offered the girls drinks and snacks. They politely accepted and the four of them sat down and chatted.

"Andy and Joe will probably drop in a little later," Pete said. "They're at the gym."

Lexi nodded.

"So, you're both from L.A.?" Pete asked. Patrick couldn't stop staring at Ashlynn even though he could see she was getting a little uncomfortable.

"I am," Lexi said. "But Ashlynn just moved here a couple of years ago."

Patrick perked up.

"Oh. Where did you live before?" He asked her.

"We lived in Miami for a few years and then Chicago.  Before that, uh, Seattle, Houston and Atlanta."

"Why so much moving?"

"My parent's jobs. They kept getting transferred."

"What do you parents do?" Patrick asked.

"My mom is an engineer. I don't quite understand what she does. It has something to do with architecture. She's not an architect though. She helps them figure out aerodynamics or something.  My dad is a professor of anthropology. So he can teach just about anywhere.  He's at UCLA now."

"That's interesting. What about you? What do you want to do?"

"I don't know," she said. "I'm only in tenth grade. Maybe something with music or science. They're my two best classes."

"So, you moved around a lot. Where were you born?" Patrick asked.

"Chicago, I think. I was adopted as a baby, so I don't really know for sure."

Patrick was stunned. Moved around a lot? Born in Chicago? She was the girl from the Miami show. Patrick was certain of it.

"How old were you when you were adopted?" He asked.

"Um, six months."

"Did you ever try looking for your birth family?" Patrick asked, eagerly.

"My mom said my birth mom was a drug addict who wanted drugs more than me. So no. She's probably dead now anyway," Ashlynn said, once again holding her side and grimacing. She coughed and winced at the pain.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Patrick asked.

Ashlyn nodded but the pain was evident on her face. Patrick was furious. Regardless of whether Ashlynn was Kat or not, she'd clearly been beaten or something. He was worried she might have broken ribs from the way she was holding herself.

"Have you seen a doctor? You look like you're hurting."

"I'm okay," Ashlyn breathed, still grimacing in pain.

"Sure," Pete said, concern in his eyes. "You look it. Can we get our medic to take a look at you?"

"No!" Ashlynn exclaimed. "I'm fine. Really."

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