Chapter 7

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The surgery went well and Ashlynn was taken to the ICU within about an hour. She was on a ventilator to let her lung heal, and sedated so she wouldn't fight it. Patrick sat beside her, holding her hand and staring at her.

He sat with her all through the night. Ashlynn didn't stir. She didn't move. But then, he thought to himself, she is sedated, too.

Nurses and doctors came and did whatever it was they were doing. Patrick just sat back and watched, praying Ashlynn would be okay. And partially, really really hoping she was Kat. 

He hadn't told his family anything yet. There was a detective coming from Chicago today, and he'd asked that they not say anything until they could confirm for certain that Ashlynn was indeed Kat. He couldn't put his family through losing her again if he was wrong.

He wasn't sure he could handle being wrong, but if he was, it would affect just him. If he wasn't he could celebrate with his family.

Once things had been dealt with at the venue, Pete had come by for a while. He'd left to get some sleep, but would be back, maybe with the guys, later in the day. He'd told Patrick that he had made sure Lexi got home okay, and told him she'd been picked up by her brother.

Around 10:00 in the morning,  there was a knock at the door. A man in a casual suit came in.

"Mr. Stump?" He asked, quietly, being respectful of the sleeping form on the bed.


"I'm Detective Almonte. I've been assigned to your case from Chicago." 

"Oh, hi," Patrick said, shaking hands with the man.

"What happened to her?" The detective asked. He'd been sent on a missing persons case and was confronted with a teenager in a coma from the looks of it. Pretty beat up, too from the looks of it.

"Her mom, uh, adoptive mom? Maybe her kidnapper? Beat the crap out of her the other night. She gave her a broken rib that punctured her lung. It collapsed last night and she had surgery. She's sedated while it heals."

"Shit. Poor kid."

Patrick nodded. Poor kid indeed.

The detective discussed some of the procedures that would happen. He'd come to make contact with Patrick and would be heading in to LAPD to connect with them, then get working on whether Ashlynn was indeed Kat. He had wanted to come say hi, introduce himself so that Patrick knew who was on his case.

They talked for a few minutes and then the detective left to meet with the police. They'd return later. He said they had both parents in custody and he'd likely get filled in later today. Patrick nodded.

After the detective left, Pete and Joe walked in.

"Hey," Pete said, hugging Patrick. "How's she doing?"

Patrick shrugged.

"She's sedated and she was alright overnight. So... fine, I guess?"

Pete nodded.

Joe looked at the girl.

"Her mom did this?"

"Yeah," Patrick said.

"Shit," Joe whispered. "What a bitch."

Patrick smiled.

"I have many other words but yeah. Bitch works too."

The three men sat around Ashlynn and talked. Pete had filled Andy and Joe in on what was happening.

"Pat," Joe said. "Do you really think she's your sister?"

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