Chapter 24

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The family sat by Ashlynn's bedside day in and day out while waiting for her sedation to be lowered and for her to wake up.

She'd had no complications during the first three days, and the doctor was happy with the way she seemed to be healing. How he could tell was beyond Patrick's understanding. But Ash hadn't moved, hadn't had any problems, hadn't required any intervention beyond routine things.

On the fourth day, the doctor looked over Ashlynn's chart and checked her wounds. He looked over the portable x-ray films that were taken earlier in the morning. He said he felt it was appropriate to start lowering Ashlynn's sedation and slowly waking her up.

Over the next several hours, the nurses came in, lowered the sedative that Ash had been getting regularly to keep her asleep. The doctor came in a few times over the course of the day to check on things. Ashlynn was tolerating everything well.

By the next morning, Ashlynn was no longer getting any sedation. Now it was just a matter of waiting for her to wake up.

A light knock on the door got Patrick's attention. He leaned back and nearly fell out of his chair. Pete, Andy and Joe had all flown in.

"Hey," Pete said, giving Patrick a hug. "How's she doing?"

Pete looked over Patrick's shoulder. Ashlynn lay pale on the bed, her eyes closed, a tube running under her nose.

Patrick sighed.

"They lowered her sedation yesterday, so she's not getting anymore sedation. Now it's a matter of waiting for her to wake up."

"Have they given you any idea how long?"

Patrick shook his head.

"She's been sedated for three days. I wouldn't be surprised if she sleeps through to tomorrow."

Pete nodded and then turned to the rest of Patrick's family. The boys gave Patrick's family hugs and offered words of support.

Everyone sat watching Ashlynn sleep. Conversation was minimal and quiet. Eventually, someone went downstairs and got everyone some food. They'd ordered pizza, so they could all sit in Ashlynn's room and eat. Everyone sat quietly talking and eating.

Andy moved beside Ashlynn's head. Patrick watched as he petted her head and whispered in her ear. He didn't know what he'd be saying, and he'd never ask Andy what he was saying. Andy had taken such a liking to Ashlynn that was just too sweet.

Patrick thought he saw Ashlynn's head move, just ever so slightly toward Andy. He didn't say anything. It could have been a figment of his imagination. It could have been a muscle spasm.

Patrick sighed again.

"Are we keeping you from something, Patrick?" David said.

"What?" Patrick said, raising his head off his fist.

"Is it too boring for you, waiting for your sister to wake up? Is there something you'd rather be doing?"

"Dad? What are you on about? I just sighed. It was an exhalation of air. Nothing more. And yes. There are a lot of things I'd rather be doing because I'd rather Ash wasn't here!"

"Patrick! How can you say that about Ashlynn?" Patricia said.

"Now what did I say?!"

"You were so excited to have found her and now you wish you hadn't?!" David spit.

"I meant I wish Ashlynn wasn't here in the hospital," Patrick exclaimed. "I wish we were at home. I wish maybe Ash was over at my place hanging out with Elisa and I!"

David looked furiously at Patrick. He got up and stormed out. Patricia sank into her chair.

"I'm sorry, Patrick. Of course you meant you wished Ashlynn wasn't in the hospital. I'm sorry for jumping on you."

"It's okay, Mom. We've all been under tremendous stress," Patrick said hugging his mom.

Pete, Joe and Andy exchanged looks. Was the family falling apart? Again? They weren't sure the family could survive another schism like the one that tore them apart in '91.

Pete decided he'd try to head off any negative talk. Ashlynn needed the positive vibes. Honestly, they all did. 

The family sat together, talking quietly.  Eventually David came back to the room and actually did apologize to Patrick. 

"I'm sorry, Patrick," he said. "This whole thing has me stressed. And now with Kat, I mean Ashlynn in the hospital - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

"You're right. You shouldn't have. But we're all stressed. I get it. But Dad, I would never want anything to happen to Ash, other than her getting better."

"I know, son. Again, I'm sorry."

The family took up their places around Ashlynn's bed and simply waited. 

Pete and Andy went downstairs to bring the family up some coffee as they settled in for a possibly long night waiting for Ashlynn to wake up. 

When they got back to the room, and distributed the coffee orders to everyone, Andy and Pete took up their places around Ashlynn. For the most part, they tried to let her family stay close to her. But as people got up and wandered around, stretching their legs, Pete and Andy rotated in to sit beside Ash and talk to her. 

Patrick knew visiting hours were coming to an end for the evening and it was possible, and likely, everyone would be kicked out. He looked at his baby sister, lying on a hospital bed, bruised and broken, but breathing on her own, and hopefully, healing.

A nurse came in and told the family that visiting hours were indeed over and they couldn't have nine people sitting in a room. David, Elisa, Kevin, Megan, Pete, Andy and Joe all got up. Patrick and Patricia insisted they were staying. Elisa kissed Patrick and said she'd be back in the morning. They likely all would be. No-one wanted Ashlynn to wake up alone. And everyone wanted to be there when she did, eventually.

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