Chapter 22

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Ashlynn crossed the parking lot and headed towards the main entrance of the mall's parking lot. There should be some indication as to where the nearest highway was.

How stupid she was to think her supposed real family would be any different than Brian and Karen had been? Sure, they didn't hit her but they still couldn't be trusted.

She stormed across the parking lot, not paying any attention to the cars and people. She just wanted to get out of there. She knew she had a good head start. Hopefully she could get a ride before Patrick or Patricia realized she was gone.

"Ashlynn!" She heard her name called. She started walking faster.

"Ashlynn! Ash! Wait!" The voice getting closer. It was Patrick.

Ashlynn broke into a run. She was so close to the road.

"Ash!" She heard the squeal of brakes, heard a thud and then found herself lying on the ground, stunned.

"Ash! Shit! Oh god. Ash, talk to me!"

"It hurts," Ashlynn said, starting to feel pain all over her body.

"Is she okay? She came out of nowhere! I didn't see her!"

Ashlynn coughed. Her chest hurt again. And her back. And her head. And it was hard to keep her eyes open.

"Ash, look at me," Patrick said. "Look at me. Stay with me. Okay?"

"Patrick. It hurts," she said.

"I know. I know. You're going to be okay. Just keep your eyes open, okay?" Tears were forming in his eyes and running down his cheeks. "Someone call 911!"

Patrick was holding Ashlynn's hand and looking at her. He pulled out his phone and texted his mother.

"Ash?" He looked down. Her eyes were closed.

"No, no, Ash, come on, open your eyes! Please!"

Her eyes fluttered open but weren't quite focussed.

"Patrick?" She said, her voice small. "I don't feel good."

"I know. I know. You're going to be okay. Just stay with me. Tell me something. Why were you running?"

Ashlynn frowned.

"My blades," she breathed out. "Someone took them."

"Your...? What? Who?"

Ashlynn coughed. It was a wet sound.

"Someone took my blades," Ashlynn said again. She was looking straight ahead.

"Ash, look at me. Come on, look at me," Patrick pleaded with her.

He could hear sirens in the distance.

"Patrick?" Ashlynn's voice was weaker.

"Yeah?" Patrick sobbed.

"It hurts," she said. "And I'm really tired."

"Just stay awake for another minute, okay?" Patrick was crying. "The ambulance is almost here and they'll get you all fixed up. Just keep looking at me."

Ashlynn's eyes made their way towards Patrick's own. Patricia came running up to them.

"Ashlynn! Patrick! What happened!? Oh, Ash!" She dropped to her knees beside Ashlynn and took her free hand. Patrick had her other hand.

"I just wanna nap," Ashlynn said. "Gonna nap."

"No, no, no, Ash," Patrick said. "You have to keep your eyes open, okay? Look at me. Listen to my voice, okay?"

When Kat Came BackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon