Chapter 15

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The drive from the airport to Patrick's mom's house didn't take long enough in Ashlynn's opinion. Besides knowing there would be press waiting to shout out questions, she was nervous about meeting Patricia. Would she expect Ashlynn to call her 'Mom'?

Andy grabbed Ashlynn's shaking hand as they pulled up to the house. To Ashlynn, she felt as though the entire world had come to see her. There were cameras everywhere. And news vans. And then just - people. Everywhere.

The car stopped in the driveway.  Patrick saw his parents and his brother and sister standing at the top of the driveway. His mom was crying. Tears of joy no doubt.

"Ready?" Patrick asked Ashlynn.

"No," she said. "Is she going to expect me to call her 'Mom'?"

"Not right away if you're not comfortable, I don't think so."

Detective Almonte opened the door and Andy got out of the car and put his hand out for Ashlynn. She didn't move.

"Come on," Patrick said gently. "The quicker we get out of the car, the quicker we can go into the house."

"But, there's press everywhere," Ashlynn said.

"Ash, I got you," Andy said.

Ashlynn took a deep breath and got out of the car. Patrick followed her and both he and Andy put their arms around her, flanking her on both sides. Reporters called out to them, but Patrick spoke calmly to Ashlynn.  Suddenly, she was standing in front of her mother. The woman she'd been told was a drug addict who never wanted her to begin with. The woman who, in truth, had thought it was Ashlynn who was dead. Neither had expected this. Neither had prepared for this.

"Mom," Patrick said, smiling. "This is Ashlynn."

Patricia looked at Ash and smiled.

"Can I hug you?" She asked. Ashlynn shrugged and nodded. Patricia wrapped her youngest child in a hug she'd been wishing for for the past 15 years. Patricia cried. Ashlynn was stoic.

"We never thought we'd see you again," Patricia said.

Ashlynn didn't have an answer.

"Ash," Patrick said, taking her elbow. "This is our dad, David, and our siblings Kevin and Megan."

They all hugged her and Ashlynn was getting uncomfortable. She wasn't used to so much affection.

"Patrick was right," Megan said. "You do look like me at your age."

Ashlynn gave Megan a slight smile.

"Welcome home, Kat," Kevin said. "I mean, Ashlynn."

"Thanks," Ashlynn whispered.

Patricia looked over at her youngest child and knew she was uncomfortable standing out here where there was so much press.

"Come on, sweetheart," she said, pulling Ashlynn towards her. "Let's go inside. I can show you your room, we can talk."

Ashlynn smiled with thanks. The family went inside the house without a word to the press gathered outside.

There was a social worker waiting inside the house, along with the Stumph's lawyer.

"Hi, Ashlynn," the social worker said. "How are you doing?"

Ashlynn shrugged.

"I guess I'm a bit overwhelmed," she admitted.

"I bet. Look, here's my card. I'm here to help you and  your family adjust to your return. We'll have regular meetings for a while as you get adjusted to being home, okay?  But if you ever need anything just call me. Day or night. My mobile is on the card, too."

"Come on in," Patricia said, taking Ashlynn's arm. "What do you want to do first? Are you hungry? Do you want to see your room?"

"I guess I'd like to see my room, please," Ashlynn said quietly.

Patricia grinned and David followed as they went upstairs.

"Your mom has been working hard on your room," he said to Ashlynn. "She wanted it to be perfect for you. But if you don't like it, we can redo it, okay?"

Ashlynn nodded.

Patricia opened a door in the middle of the hallway and ushered Ashlynn in. The room was painted a light purple, almost lilac. The bed was a queen size bed with deep purple blankets and a light purple duvet. On the desk under the window was a new MacBook and printer, a new iPhone and an iPad. There was a bathroom attached to her room, right next to the closet.

"Patrick wasn't sure what size you are in clothes, so we'll have to go shopping soon. I can't imagine you have enough warm clothes in that one bag."

Ashlynn shrugged.

"Do you like the room?" David asked.

Ashlynn looked around again. The room was bigger than her old room in LA, and it was purple, which Ashlynn liked, but Karen had never let her choose her room color.

"Yes, thank you," Ashlynn said.

"Why don't we leave Ash to unpack what she has, and then, Ash, come downstairs when you're ready, okay?" Patrick said. Ashlynn nodded and closed the door behind everyone.

She looked around the room and dropped her bag. She couldn't stay here. This wasn't her home. This wasn't her room. This couldn't be her family. Even though she looked exactly like them.

Ashlynn lay down on her bed and started to cry. In just a week her life had been turned completely upside down and she'd been taken from her home in LA to some stranger's house in Chicago. The only proof they had that she was their kid was the DNA test. But Karen and Brian, for better or worse, had raised Ashlynn. They were her parents as far as Ashlynn was concerned. Even if Karen did beat her. Frequently.

Ashlynn fell asleep from crying. All she wanted, besides the sleep, was to go home. But now, she didn't really know where that was.

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