Chapter 10

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Patrick and Ashlynn talked a little longer and then it was time for them to join everyone for dinner.

"Unless you don't want to," Patrick said, thinking this had already been so overwhelming, maybe it would be better if they had dinner alone. Give them more time to talk.

"It's fine," she said. So they went downstairs.

Josh met them at the entrance to the restaurant and Patrick introduced him to Ashlynn.

"Nice to meet you," he said, extending his hand.

"Yeah. Thanks," Ashlynn said. "You too."

They joined the rest of the guys at the table.

"I'm afraid we will have to talk business for a little bit, Ashlynn," Josh said. "We have a lot of stuff going on this week that I'll need your brother for. But you're welcome to come. They're filming a few videos this week."

Ashlynn shrugged.

While she looked over the menu, Josh discussed a few things that were happening the next day. They had a 9 am photo call before they started shooting the video.

While they chatted, Pete kept looking over at Ashlynn. At the arena she'd been somewhat timid and scared. Now she was angry. Or seemed it anyway. Pete figured maybe she was upset with the situation. Finding out the people she'd thought were her parents were in fact her kidnappers and that her whole life, to use her words, was a lie. 

The server came by and took their orders. Pete didn't hear what Ashlynn ordered but Andy did.

"You need more than a small salad. What about protein?"

"I - I'm not that hungry," Ashlynn said.

"Ash, you haven't eaten much today," Patrick said.  "Order whatever you want."

"I want a salad," she said.

Pete looked down at the menu. The small side salad was the cheapest thing on the menu.

"Well, get a bigger salad, then," Patrick said. "With meat or something on it."

"I - it's fine. I don't eat a lot anyway. A small salad is, it's fine," she swallowed.

Patrick leaned towards his sister as the server said he'd come back in a little while.

"Ash," Patrick whispered. "Come with me."

The two of them got up and went outside the restaurant.

"Ash," Patrick said, sitting her down on the couch just outside. "A small salad isn't enough food. Did - did they starve you?"

Ash looked at her lap.

"I just don't eat that much," she said quietly.

"But, Ash, you're skin and bones. You need to eat something with some protein. If you're vegetarian or vegan, that's fine. Andy is vegan. He can help you find something."

"I'm not vegan or vegetarian, I just don't eat a lot."

"Ash, be honest, please," Patrick pleaded.

"It's so expensive," she said, tears in her eyes.  "I'm not allowed to order expensive food. Usually just a salad or soup. If I got to go to a restaurant."

Patrick shook his head.

"Ash, order whatever you want. Don't worry about cost. Okay?  I want you to be healthy, and to be well. And I've seen what you've eaten today. It isn't enough for a growing girl. You're 15. You're still growing."

"But, it's so much."

"Don't worry about the cost and don't worry about leftovers. We can pack them up and you can take them to the room. You can bring it along to finish tomorrow. Although there'll be catering there, too."

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