Chapter 19

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Patricia was quiet when Patrick and Ashlynn came into the house. She'd been talking with Elisa, Patrick's girlfriend, while they waited for Patrick and Ashlynn to come home.

"Hi sweetheart," Patricia said as Patrick and Ashlynn came into the house. Patricia tried to hug Ashlynn, but Ashlynn sidestepped her.

"I'm going upstairs," she said. "I'm tired."

"No, please stay," Patrick said. "Come meet Elisa. We were going to have lunch. It's nearly dinner time. We can stay for dinner."

Ashlynn looked over at the woman she hadn't met yet.

"Hi, Ashlynn," Elisa said. "I'm Elisa. It's so nice to meet you."

Ashlynn didn't say anything. But she nodded in Elisa's general direction.

Patricia was able to coax everyone, Ashlynn included, to the table where they were going to have lunch for dinner. Lunch had been bagels and spreads, so it had kept, and Patricia hadn't dressed the salad because she hadn't wanted it to wilt until it was served.

Patricia made a plate up for Ashlynn and placed it in front of her. Ashlynn made no move to eat anything.

Patrick sat beside Ashlynn with Elisa on his other side. Megan had also stayed and was sitting across from Ashlynn.

"Hey, Ash, twentyone pilots are coming to Chicago next month. Want to go?" Megan asked.

Ashlynn looked at Megan and shrugged.

"I have no one to go with," she said.

"I'd take you, silly," Megan smiled. Ashlynn did not return her smile.

"I might know a guy who can get you tickets," Patrick said. "Might even be able to get you backstage to meet Josh and Tyler."

Ashlynn rolled her eyes.

"Can I go now?" She asked Patricia.

"You haven't eaten anything," Patricia said.

"I'm not hungry," Ashlynn said.

"Ash, stay," Patrick said. "Come on."

Ashlynn frowned at him.

"Why do you keep thinking you can tell me what to do?" She said tersely. Then, without another word, got up, went upstairs and slammed the bedroom door.

"I know it's only been a day, but I don't know how to get through to her," Patricia said. "She's pushing us away."

"It's not that she's pushing us away. She's afraid to let us in, I think," Patrick said. "It's a huge change and an even bigger shock."

"She's so angry," Patricia said.

"She's scared," Patrick said. "In the space of two weeks she's found out she's not who she thought she was, her life has been completely turned upside down and she's moved to a new city with a family she really doesn't know or remember. She has her first therapy session tomorrow at the hospital. I already told her I'd take her."

"She won't let me do anything for her," Patricia said. "I feel like a failure as a mother already."

"Mom, you're not a failure. You raised three awesome kids who have great lives."

"But I have four kids. And one of them wants nothing to do with me."

"Give her time, Patricia," Elisa said.

"She hates me," Patricia said.

"She doesn't hate you. She doesn't know you. And she's scared because the only mother she has known wasn't exactly a fantastic example of mothering."

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