Chapter 11

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"How's it going?" Patricia asked Patrick when he called her to update her on Ashlynn and bringing her home.

Patrick sighed.

"She's coming to terms with everything, still. It's been a huge shock and pretty overwhelming. It doesn't help that she literally just got out of the hospital. She gets so angry so fast. But, to use her words, she's been feeling like her whole life was a lie. And in a way, I guess it has been."

"What should we get set up here?" Patricia asked.

"Definitely a therapist. But maybe call a few. She needs one she can trust that can help her through this. Help all of us, really.  The social worker here says they'll have a social worker set up for Ashlynn when we get home."

"How's she doing otherwise?" Patricia asked.

"I don't know. She's got trauma from her upbringing, she's taking stuff out on me, which is fine."

"No it isn't. What do you mean by 'taking things out on you'?"

"She got mad when I suggested we come back to the room to bed after dinner because we have an early-ish photo call tomorrow and she hasn't had a lot of good rest in the past few days. She has a lot to come to terms with."

"I'm glad you can keep her out there with you for now. Get to know her, then, when you two come home, we can all work on things together."

"Okay," Patrick said, listening to hear if he could hear Ashlynn moving around. It was silent in her room. Which worried him. "Mom, I've got to go. I'll call you tomorrow or the next day."

"Okay, Patrick. Talk soon," she said and they hung up.

Patrick knocked lightly on Ashlynn's door.

"Ash?" He said quietly. He opened the door when she didn't answer. The light from the outer room fell across her face. She'd fallen asleep. Patrick looked at his sister. She was on her back, her right arm over her head, her left hand in a fist by her chin. It was how she'd slept as a baby. Patrick smiled. Then he frowned. Something seemed off. Ash was wearing a grey long sleeved shirt, but the right arm looked wrong.

Patrick went into Ashlynn's room and touched her arm. His fingers came back sticky. He grabbed Ashlynn's arm and pulled up the sleeve.

"Ash," he whispered. A long cut ran up her arm wrist almost to elbow. It was still bleeding.

"Ash, wake up," he said, shaking her. "Ash.  ASH!" He yelled. She stirred just ever so. But she didn't open her eyes.

Patrick ran to the phone and called the front desk. He asked for someone to come check on Ashlynn. The hotel doctor if that existed. Someone who would know if Ashlynn had done more than just cut.

Next he called Pete.

"'Sup, Pattycakes?"

Patrick frowned at the nickname.

"I need you. Maybe grab Andy. Ash cut herself and I don't know if she tried something ... more."

"Okay. Did you call for an ambulance or something?"

"I called for the hotel doctor if they have someone."

"Okay, I'll grab Andy. We'll be right there."

There was a knock at the door. Patrick ran to open it. It was a hotel security guard with a first aid bag.

"Someone needs first aid?" He asked.

"I don't know if she needs first aid or an ambulance," Patrick said. "She cut her arm."

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