Chapter 40

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Patrick and Ashlynn were back in New York. Ash had never been to New York prior to her appearance on The AM Show, oddly enough. At least not that she could remember.

They had a few interviews on tv and a couple of radio interviews. The first was the AM Show and this time they were supposed to be on Jimmy Fallon's show.

Patricia had decided to stay in Chicago. So it was Ashlynn, Patrick and Carrie, the publicist. They were only supposed to do two radio shows, and Jimmy Fallon, but Carrie said now that they were in New York, stations were clamouring for them to come on their show.

Ashlynn didn't want to do any more TV. She didn't even want to do the Jimmy Fallon show. The first radio interview had been more than enough. She was tired of her life being about her kidnapping. She just wanted to get on with living.

Back at the hotel, Ashlynn went into her room, They'd gotten a suite again so Ashlynn could have her own space. Carrie had her own room.

Patrick didn't like Ashlynn spending time alone. Partly because he remembered what Ashlynn had done in LA when she was alone and partly because he hated the thought of her being alone and stewing.

"Ash? Want to go swimming in the hotel pool?" Patrick asked, knocking on her door.

"No," Ashlynn said, simply.

"Want to go for a walk around New York?" He tried.

"No," she replied.

"Want to come watch TV with me?" He tried again.

"No," Ashlynn said.

"Ash, are you okay?" He asked.

Ashlynn didn't answer right away. Patrick waited but he was starting to worry.

"Yeah," Ashlynn said quietly. "I'm okay."

Patrick slowly opened the door. The curtains were drawn and Ash was curled up on the bed, in the dark. She was just sort of staring at the wall.

"Ash? Are you sure you're okay?" Patrick asked.

She sighed.

"Yes, Patrick. I'm sure I'm okay," she said, somewhat exasperated. But he didn't believe her. She was isolated and in the dark. Her answers were short. Patrick went into Ashlynn's room and sat on her bed.

"You sure you're okay? You don't seem to be very okay."

Ashlynn sighed. Patrick was so happy to have her home and he was used to being interviewed and having all this kind of attention on him. Ashlynn just wanted to go back to being anonymous. She didn't know how to explain it to Patrick, so she stayed silent.

"I'm going to go downstairs to the gift shop," Ashlynn said.

"Want me to come with you?" Patrick asked.

"No. It's okay, thanks. I'll be alright. I just want to see something. I might go to the gym as well."

"Okay. Be back here by four though, okay?"

Ashlynn nodded absently as she pulled her sneakers on. When Patrick had gone back into his room, Ashlynn grabbed her jacket and a hat and left the room. She wanted to walk. She needed to be outside. She felt so claustrophobic in the hotel.

Ashlynn rode the elevator downstairs and crossed the lobby. She saw there was some press outside so she walked further down the hallway and found a side entrance and left through there.

Ashlynn just walked. She didn't pay attention to which direction she went or street names. She knew the hotel name and figured she could get back with no problem.

With Christmas coming, the city was decorated for the holidays. She knew they were near Rockefeller Center, so she went in the direction she thought it was in and thought maybe she'd go look at the tree for a little while. She'd been walking for almost forty minutes before she realized she was hopelessly lost. And she'd purposefully left her phone in the hotel room.

"Hey there, sweet thing," a voice came out of a dark alleyway. "What's a beautiful girl like you doing alone in a neighborhood like this? You lost? I can help you find where you need to be"

A man came out of the alleyway. He was skinny with greasy hair. He licked his lips as he looked Ashlynn up and down.

"I'm okay," Ashlynn said, trying to sound confident. "I just got turned around. I can find my way."

"Aww, sweet cheeks, let me help you find your way. C'mere. I'll keep you warm."

"Really, I'm okay," Ashlynn said, backing away. She heard a click and saw he had a knife in his hand.

"I said, come here and I'll keep you warm," the guy said. His smile was gone and although he didn't look friendly before, now he definitely looked menacing.

Ashlynn tried backing away but he was fast and grabbed her wrist. He was stronger than he looked. Ashlynn tried to pull away, but he overpowered her and pulled her into the alleyway. Ashlynn screamed for help, but wondered if anyone in this neighborhood would even listen or care.

The guy punched her in the face and hit her with something hard. She blacked out.

Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Patrick and Carrie were frantic. It was 5:00 and Ashlynn wasn't back upstairs. They'd checked the gym, the pool, the gift shop and the cafe. She wasn't in any of those places.

"Do you think she ran?" Patrick asked.

"Why would she run?" Carrie asked.

"She doesn't handle stress well. And I think this has been more overwhelming than she's been letting on. But I thought we were at a point where she could talk to me if she felt overwhelmed."

Carrie shrugged.

Patrick spoke to the front desk attendant and asked to speak to their security team to see if Ashlynn left the hotel.

The director of security and the hotel manager both accompanied him to the security office where they were able to go through the recent footage.

Patrick watched Ashlynn cross the lobby and disappear down a hallway. A camera at the end showed her open the door and go outside.

"It's New York. She could be anywhere," Patrick said. Ashlynn didn't know New York. As far as Patrick knew, she didn't know anyone here and didn't know her way around.

"We have to find her!" Patrick said, when he and Carrie went back upstairs. He tried calling Ashlynn's cellphone and heard it ring in her room.

Ashlynn was gone.

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