Chapter 28

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"Ash? Ashlynn?" A voice penetrated through the dark fog in Ashlynn's head. "Ash, honey? Can you open your eyes?"

Ashlynn tried, and managed to clear some of the cobwebs that seemed to have invaded her. Patricia was staring down at her.

"What happened?" Ashlynn asked, trying to sit up, but being pushed back down gently by Patricia.

"You fainted after your math class," Patricia explained. "Your friend, Jonah, brought you to the nurse's office where you've been lying unconscious for about an hour."

"He's not my friend," Ashlynn mumbled.

"Well, he's a nice young man who said he had three classes with you today and carried you, and your bag, to the nurse. I'd say that counts as a friend."

Ashlynn rolled her eyes.

"Oh. You're awake, good," the nurse said. "How do you feel?"

"Have you ever been hit by a car?" Ashlynn grumbled.

"I have not," the nurse said, irritatingly perky.

"I don't recommend it. And that's how I feel."

"You can take her home as soon as she feels well enough to get up," the nurse smiled at Patricia. "Feel better, Ashlynn."

Ashlynn made to sit up again but her head started spinning so she lay back again.

"What happened?" Patricia asked.

"Some jock walked right into my right side and my hip has been hurting since," Ashlynn said, her arm over her eyes while she tried to get the room to stop spinning.

"Did you take anything this morning?" Patricia asked.

"No. I hate those painkillers. They make me feel like I'm walking through syrup."

"You can take something less strong if you want. Advil, Tylenol, anything," Patricia said.

"Can we just go home now?" Ashlynn asked.

"Let's sit you up first and see how you feel," Patricia said, helping Ashlynn into a sitting position. Her head swam.

"Ooof," Ashlynn said and leaned on Patricia.

"Okay, take it easy. It's not a race. We'll wait until you feel better."

Ashlynn breathed through the pain and the dizziness threatening her. When her head felt clearer she told Patricia she was ready to go. Patricia helped her stand up and Ashlynn wobbled a bit, her head swimming again. Patricia put her arm around Ashlynn to steady her.

Ashlynn leaned on her mother for a few minutes, then chanced opening her eyes and taking a step. Her hip still hurt, but the pain was more dull than before.

"Okay, I think I'm alright to move," Ashlynn said. Patricia took Ashlynn's backpack and supported her daughter as they slowly made their way out of the school and out to the car.

The drive home was silent. Ashlynn leaned her head on the cold window while Patricia navigated through the rain. She glanced at Ashlynn, noting she looked pale.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Patricia asked. Ashlynn nodded.

"I'm tired and my hip hurts. Not as bad as before, but it still hurts."

"I'll give you a couple extra strength Advil if you want. And you can take a nap when we get home. Do you have any homework?"

"I don't know," Ashlynn said, keeping her eyes closed and her forehead on the cool glass.

Patrick's car was in the driveway when they pulled in. He came running up to the passenger side of the car as soon as Patricia put the car in park.

"Ash! What happened?"

"How did you even know?"

"Mom texted me that you passed out at school. I was going to come meet her if you didn't wake up in a decent amount of time. We would have taken you to the hospital. So really, what happened?"l

"Some asshole banged himself into me, right into my hip, which now hurts and I just want to go lie down and pretend today didn't happen."

"How was school?" Patrick asked, taking Ashlynn's bag from Patricia and walking beside his sister.

"Some asshole walked into my fractured hip. That about sums up my day," Ashlynn snarked.

She limped her way up the stairs to her bedroom, slammed the door and lay down on her bed. Her hip was throbbing but at least now it was more of a dull pain than the hot pain she'd felt in class. Patricia knocked gently on her door and opened it, carrying a bottle of water and a couple of pills.

"They're just Advil. Hopefully they'll help with the pain. Take them and then just rest, okay?"

Ashlynn nodded, sat up painfully, and took the pills from Patricia. She swallowed them with a swig of water. Patricia took the bottle and put it on the bedside table. She sat down on the bed beside Ashlynn and tucked a piece of hair behind Ashlynn's ear. She smiled down at her youngest daughter.

"Let those kick in, and have a nap. I'll bring you dinner up here tonight okay? You just rest."

Ashlynn nodded and made herself as comfortable as she could. Patricia kissed her forehead, something Ashlynn was still not used to, and quietly closed her door. Ashlynn could hear her talking to Patrick. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she could hear them talking.

Until she couldn't because she had finally dozed off.

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