Chapter 31

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"You know the dressing rooms are inside, right?" A jovial-sounding voice outside the car said. Patrick turned around and looked out the door. Josh was standing out there with a grin on his face. His grin faded when he saw the tears in Patrick's eyes.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"It's fine," Patrick said, smiling, wiping his eyes and hugging his friend. "Just, you know. A little emotional."

"Well, I can appreciate that. Seeing me is often an emotional experience," Josh joked. "So, let me meet this sister of yours!"

"Ash? You okay to get out of the car now?" Patrick asked, looking back into the car. Ashlynn nodded and wiped her eyes. She slid across the back seat towards Patrick's side.

"Joshua Dun, my sister, Ashlynn Stumph," Patrick said proudly. Ashlynn wasn't used to hearing her new, old, original last name attached to her.

"Nice to meet you, Ashlynn," Josh smiled and held his hand for Ashlynn to shake.

"Hi," she said quietly, taking Josh's hand. He pulled her into a hug. She stiffened slightly, still not used to affection and not used to affection from strangers.

Josh let her go, and she stepped back towards Patrick, who put his arm around her and smiled at her.

"Megan, great to see you again," Josh said, going around the car and hugging Megan. She returned the hug effortlessly, making Ashlynn feel bad for her reaction.

"Well, come on. Let's get inside. It's November and it's freezing out here. Besides, Tyler's probably wondering if I've taken off or something," Josh laughed.

With his arm around her shoulder, and Megan holding her hand, Ashlynn followed the drummer into the venue. He told the security guard at the door that the three of them were with him and got their all-access passes from their manager.

"Keep that lanyard on at all times," Josh said to Ashlynn.

"I know," Ashlynn said. Josh smiled and nodded. He then led them into a room with a couch, a TV set up, and just crates and stuff everywhere.

"Ty! C'mere!" Josh called out.

The brown-haired singer entered the lounge area from another room Ashlynn hadn't noted a doorway to.

"Hey Patrick!" Tyler said, shaking hands with him and hugging him. "And Megan, nice to see you again, as always."

Megan returned Tyler's hug.

"How's Jenna?" Megan asked.

"She's good, thanks," Tyler said, smiling.

He then turned to Ashlynn.

"And you're the famous Ashlynn," he smiled at her.

"Hi," Ashlynn said, possibly quieter than she had to Josh. She wasn't sure what to make of the two strangers. These were people whose music she escaped into. Not people she just casually hung out with. In their dressing room.

They indicated the three should come in, make themselves comfortable and have something to eat. There were a couple of catering trays in the room with fruit, vegetables, and dips.

"Unless you want junkier food," Josh said to Ashlynn. "That's in the catering room."

"I'm okay," Ashlynn said. "Thanks."

"If you change your mind," Josh said, sitting on the arm of the couch beside Ashlynn. "Let me know, because I've been looking for a reason to justify a bag of Doritos."

Ashlynn smiled.

She was shy at first, but then, as time passed, Ashlynn saw Josh and Tyler were just... people. Like her brother, Pete, Andy and Joe. She started to relax and enjoy herself. Patrick watched as Ashlynn smiled and talked with the duo. She still had a long way to go, but she'd also come so far in just a couple of months.

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