Chapter 58

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"David, Patricia. Thank you both for making time to be here today," Dr. Atkins said.

"Of course. Anything for Ash," David said.

Patricia nodded and smiled at her daughter, who smiled shyly back.

"So, as you know, Ashlynn has worked incredibly hard the past few days. I didn't expect her to open up as quickly as she did but here we are.

I know Ashlynn has discussed some of the things that got her to the point of being here, with you two since her admission. And we've discussed a lot of topics that have led to a lot of fantastic gains. Ashlynn, you should be very proud of the work you've done here. As should you, Patricia and David. Ashlynn knew she needed help, wanted help, but didn't know how to ask for it. Which led her to the events that brought her here."

For the next hour or so, Ashlynn talked with her parents, and with Dr. Atkins' help, about how she'd been feeling, in some cases going back to her move to Chicago. David and Patricia both agreed they could have made her transition easier but had just been so happy to have her home, they didn't stop to think she needed time to get used to being Ashlynn Stumph, and having her entire life change and be under a magnifying glass, considering who her brother was.

They came up with a plan to help Ashlynn feel more a part of the family. And Ashlynn felt comfortable with the plans. Patricia watched as the daughter she'd brought here only three days ago, who wouldn't speak for weeks, who had closed herself off more and more to the point that she responded with only fear, and silence.

But now, Patricia saw colour in her daughter's cheeks again. She saw her smile, while not as bright as it had been, it was coming back. And David looked at his daughter and realized he'd been stupid to worry about what may have happened to Ashlynn at the hands of her kidnappers. And he'd been working on his own issues surrounding his baby daughter's return.

"So," Dr. Atkins said. "The main reason for this meeting was to discuss Ashlynn's progress and whether she could benefit from further inpatient treatment."

Ashlynn looked down at her lap. She wanted to go home. She hated the hospital. She wanted to go home.

"Ashlynn, you've experienced an incredibly terrifying event. You've also had an incredible change in your life over the past few months. I understand you've been working with a therapist on some of these issues. I encourage you to speak with her about New York and what happened. As you did with me."

Ashlynn nodded.

"That said, Ashlynn, if you work with your own therapist as hard as you did here with me, I see no reason you can't go home today. You've made incredible gains and I know you knew what you were doing and how serious it was, but I am encouraged by your candour here with me. I'm sure you'll speak just as candidly with your regular therapist from here on in, yes?"

Ashlynn nodded. A hint of a smile played on her lips. She was going home.

"Well, I suppose you probably don't want to spend any more time here than you need to," Dr. Atkins said. "So why don't you go back to your room, gather whatever belongings you have here, and by the time you've done that, I'll have signed your discharge papers and you'll be good to go."

Ashlynn's smile brightened. She looked at her mom and her dad, both of whom were smiling at her. They stood up and Patricia wrapped Ashlynn in her arms. Ashlynn returned the hug. And Patricia noticed that Ashlynn hadn't stiffened at all when she hugged her.

David took over from Patricia and pulled his daughter into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, Ashlynn," he said into her hair. "I'm so sorry we didn't see what was happening until it was too late."

"It's okay, Dad," Ashlynn said, and David's tears, which had just been threatening, fell from his eyes. He buried his face in Ashlynn's hair, holding his baby girl tight in a hug he wished he'd given her the day she came home with Patrick.

Dr. Atkins smiled at the family

"Ashlynn," she said. Ashlynn looked up at the doctor. "Remember, you have to talk to your therapist as well, okay?"

Ashlynn nodded. She would. She could now.

David and Patricia led Ashlynn from the room and walked with her to her room. She didn't have much with her, she'd only been here three days, but she had accumulated some clothes that Patricia had brought, so they packed those, Ashlynn pulled on sneakers, packing her slippers into the duffel bag Patricia had brought the first day she'd been in the hospital. Patricia had gone and bought Ashlynn a new winter coat, and Ashlynn pulled it on over her sweatshirt and pyjama pants. She didn't care what she looked like leaving the hospital. She was going home. Not to the Met Gala. And honestly, she thought to herself. She'd wear pyjamas to the Met Gala and make a statement.

"What are you smiling at?" Patricia asked Ashlynn, smiling back at her daughter.

"It's kind of dumb and totally not related. I was just thinking how I don't care that I'm leaving the hospital in pyjama pants. It's not like I'm going to the Met Gala. But then I thought, even if I was, maybe I'd wear pyjama pants anyway and make a statement," Ashlynn grinned.

Patricia smiled and laughed. Ashlynn giggled a bit. David looked confused.

"The Met Gala, Dad," Ashlynn said. "Is, like, the fashion event of the year. It's in, like, late April? Early May? Anyway, it's all you hear about for weeks before and weeks after. What people were wearing. How close to the theme they got, so on and so forth."

"I didn't think you were into that type of stuff," David smiled at his daughter. Ashlynn laughed. It was musical.

"I'm so not. But I do live in this century. It's all you see on instagram, and Twitter and all that."

David smiled again. Hearing his daughter's voice again was music to David's ears. He hadn't realized how much he missed it when Ashlynn had been suffering.

With both her parents beside her, their arms around her, Ashlynn left the hospital. She was going home. And she'd be home in time for Christmas.

She said goodbye to David and hugged him before getting into Patricia's car and going home.

Patricia smiled at her daughter as they pulled up to the house.

"Omg. I missed my bed so much!" Ashlynn said, laughing. Patricia smiled.

"Before you go upstairs and lock yourself in your room, come sit with me a little," Patricia said.

They entered the house and Ashlynn dropped her bag by the stairs. She indulged her mom and sat on the couch. An hour later, the two were cuddled on the couch, as Patricia and Ashlynn discussed heavier topics than they had ever had before. They talked about how Ashlynn felt, how the family could help her feel better and more part of the family, and how overwhelming everything had been over the past couple of months.

There were a few tears, but there were more smiles. Patricia hoped Ashlynn felt that things would be better.

Ashlynn felt a little bit better about things. Maybe Chicago wasn't so bad after all.

When Kat Came BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora