I was just about to walk out of the door when Kian came down and asked me the question he always asks when i leave our house: Jenn where are you going? i just wish that he could leave me alone without being so over protective but no he treats me like a little baby i just want to hang out with Trevor but Kian doesn't want me to be around boys cause he doesn't trust them, not even the boys from O2L ... oh yeah O2l is Our Second Life it is a youtube channel from my brother Kian and his 5 best friends: Ricky Dillon, Trevor Moran, Jc Caylen, Connor Franta and Sam Pottorff, they all post a video on a day of the week and i like O2L a lot but Kian never lets me hang out with them. I'm going to Savanna i said to him with my arms behind my back with my fingers crossed hoping he would let me go. Can you call Savanna for me? I grabbed my phone out of my pocked and looked for her name in my caller list, one fantastic thing about savanna is: she knows how over protective Kian is to me so if i call her random without texting her first she always know what to say. I pressed call and set her on the speaker, Hey Jenn what's up, well Kian doesn't believe me that i was coming over to your house, Kian she was on her way to me trust her she said. Okay Jenn you can go but be home at 8, can it please be 9? okay 9 pm not later, yeah yeah Ki bye see you in a few minutes Savanna i said and ended the call. I opened the door and run away and when i was around the corner i called Savanna again and explained it all to her. After the call i took a quick run to Trevor's home i didn't expect Sam being there too but whatever i went inside hoping that Kian wasn't coming over.

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