Okay guys be quiet Jenn is still sleeping Jc whispered while walking back to our room. Why do we have to prank my little sister? Kian be quiet! Jc smacked some soap on my face and when i woke up Trevor and Connor dropped a bucket with water over me. Aaaah this is so cold. Woah you look like you can join the black parade from My Chemical Romance Sam said. Oh boy i probably forgot to take off my mascara. Well go take a shower Jenn and let's get dressed today we have the dance battle for the show to do. Yeah yeah i'm going. I took a shower and got dressed in a ridiculous outfit. Today Brent Rivera came to our show. First we took some pictures with our fans then we climbed back on stage again and we started to do a dance battle. Then the song wiggle came on and we all started to twerk on stage then out of nowhere Ricky started to twerk to me and i started laughing. I had dance a tango with Sam and a salsa with Brent. It was really fun to do. After the show we went to the stores again cause everyone was forgotten to pack any swimming clothes. Then we went to the beach, i sunbathed and i was really not tanned at all, but whatever. We played beach volleyball, Team Brent, Jc, Connor an i won, i was really happy about it cause the losers had to buy an ice cream and rub it over his chest. It was so much fun to see.


That evening we packed our suitcases again and went back to the airport on our way to California, btw remember the girl that gave us an sort of interview, well Kian liked her a lot and he wrote his phone number on the back of the photo he had to sign for her. She texted him today and she said that she would be at our show in California, i really can't wait until i can chill with her too.

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