Today is Wednesday and we had to stood up at 6 am cause we had a show today. It was really fun, we met fans took,pictures with them got bracelets and necklace from them and some fan art's. I really got an amazing drawing from one of my fans. Sam had to sing his song on stage, and all the fans sang with him. We had some meet and greets with some fans. And it was really awesome to do.

F: So i have a couple of questions for you guys.

O2L: okay that's i good.

F: The first one is for Sam, who had filmed your video?

S: Jenn she filmed, it she recorded the song, and she edited the whole video.

F: Where did you get Golden from to sing with you?

S: Well Golden is the cousin from Kian and Jenn

F: the next question is for all the boys, who has secretly a crush on Jenn?

Jc and Sam raised they're hand

F: my last question is for Jenn

Je: Okay ask me girl

F: If you could date any of the boys from O2L who would it be?

Je: Sam defiantly Sam.

F: And why?

Je: Well he is cute and sweet and when i broke my leg last year while playing soccer he really took care of me that week when Kian was working.

F: okay guys i have to go now.

She gave all the boys a kiss and she gave me a hug.

Then we went back to our hotel.

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