Today we have a week of so we all went back to the airport. We all decided to visit our families. Kian just went back to mom and dad. He didn't know that i stayed in the plane with Sam, so he just went home. Yes Jenn we are finally home. ....... Jenn? JENN WHERE ARE YOU? ...... He called me as we arrived in Chicago at Sam's house. He heard my voice mail that said:

Hello with Jenn Lawley this week you can not call me cause i am in Chicago with my best friend Sam Pottorff we are visiting his familie SO DO NOT CALL ME KIAN!

He called Sam but also got his voice mail that said:

Hi Sam here this week i will not answer my phone cause i am at my parents house with my bestfriend Jenn Lawley SO DO NOT CALL ME KIAN!

Well at least i know now that she is with Sam in Chicago. He said to himself.

MOM DAD I'M HOME! SAM! welcome back his mom said. Well hello who is this beautiful flower you took with you? Mom Sam said laughing it is Jenn the younger sister from Kian. Wow you changed a lot. Hey Jenn. Hello Mr Pottorff. Where is Kian? At our parents house he didn't even notice that i went with Sam To Chicago, i grabbed my phone out of my pocket. He all ready has called me. Yeah me too oh he texted me that it is okay that you are here with me. SAM SAM SAM! There came a little boy running downstairs. Who's that? i asked. Oh yeah off course you haven't met my little brother Levi yet. Oh he is so adorable. Sammy, Levi said while pulling at Sam his sleeve. Who is that Lady. I started laughing. Levi i am not a lady i am 18 and i am the bestfriend of your big brother Sammy. Sam lifted Levi up, Finally my two little boys are home. Mom i am not little Levi is little. I am not little he said. Levi Sam is right you are little now let me hug my boys. Levi can i gave you a kiss Sam asked? Yes he said. Sam gave him a kiss. Awe that is real brother love i said. Well Sam why don't you make dinner for us with Jenn. Okay mom, come on Jenn. We went to the kitchen.

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