So it is vacation, everyone from O2L graduated. Today we have to pack our stuff cause tonight we are going on tour again. Jenn have you seen my shirt with the text: call my agent? No i said while folding that shirt an put it into my suitcase. What's that? What's what? Since when do you have a gray sweater? Uhm since Yesterday. You are lying i know your whole wardrobe from inside and out. He grabbed it out of my suitcase and unfold it. This is my sweater you were stealing it. No it is really mine look, i walked over to his closet grabbed a chair and stood on it. See it is right here it shove to the back of your closet, i didn't even remember that you had this shirt Sam i just had buy this one cause i liked it. I'm sorry babe i didn't wanted to call you a thief. It's okay now we have a matching shirt. I kissed Sam just as Jc walked in to our bedroom to ask if we where ready, his eyes widen. NO NO NO JC THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE i started to panic. Don't worry Jenn i won't tell it Kian actually i knew that you would end up with Sam if you should have end up with one of our 5. Really? Yes you guys would made a cute couple, but we have to go to the airport. Oh yeah btw cute couple shirt. Well actually i didn't know Sam had this shirt too. I'm going to dress in a shorts and t-shirt cause we are leaving to Hawaii. So i quickly changed into another outfit, i run downstairs straight to the car. We drove to the airport and had to go trough some detectors and our suitcases had to go to a detector to see if we had any weapons or drugs with us, while standing there i said to Ricky and Trevor: I guess they think that we look like kids that use drugs and weapons. We started laughing then our plane was ready, and Jc carried me for fun on his back to the plain. The boys all laughed at us and Connor said woah Jenn you are lucky to be the only girl from O2L you don't even have to walk. I laughed as Jc sat me down in a seat next to Sam, the plain started and we flew to Hawaii. It was a long trip Sam and i started to listen to music with our headphones and started to fall asleep.

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