The boys came back from carting. Okay guys i am going to change my clothes Connor said and walked into our hotel room. He walked back. Uhm guys since when is Jenn back i didn't expect her back now he said to the boys. Is she back? Is everything okay with her? Sam asked. I don't know she lies in bed and the only thing she does is breathing. Can i go to her? Yeah go take a look at her i have my clothes can i take a shower in your room Sam? Yeah you can he said while walking into my room, he locked the door. Jenn? Jenn is everything okay? I lifted my head up. Does it look like that everything is okay? No,he said. You are right everything isn't okay, Kian dates Chloe now and i still can't date anyone so i still have to keep it secret that i am dating you. That is really mean he can date whoever he wants and you can't date anyone. Yes and i yelled at him that i hate him. He doesn't understand that i am almost 19 now. Well let's go outside you need some fresh air let's go meet some fans. So we went outside to meet the fans that where waiting outside our hotel we hugged them, took photos with them and talked with them. When they all were gone i noticed two fans standing there looking really sad cause they couldn't see us, i walked over to them. Is everything okay? Omg Jenn Lawley didn't you and Sam went back to the hotel? No i saw you guys standing there really sad and i always say to myself: every fan deserves to see me if i can do that for them. You are fantastic the boy said and that's why you are my favorite youtuber. You really care about your fans. Sam walked over. Do you guys wanna go to Starbucks with us we pay for your drink. R r really? that is fantastic. Well you both waited so long to see us and you guys couldn't get trough the crowd of other fans. We really want to do something for amazing fans as you guys Sam said. Can we first take a picture with you the girl asked. Sure we said. After that we went to Starbucks. Sam and the boy had a conversation and the girl and i had a conversation. You know Jenn i really think that you and Sam would made a cute couple. Awe thank you. Lola we have to go back home. Okay Chris i'm coming. It was amazing to meet you guys thank you for the Starbucks. That's fantastic we are happy that we could make both of your day better. Bye they said an run back to home. Let's go back to the hotel babe. I grabbed his hand and took him back inside.

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