So i brought Levi to bed and went to Sam's room, it was still the same as that when we where younger. So i guess my parents like it that you are dating me. Yeah and they love how i cook. Only Levi doesn't like it when we kiss. He is just a little boy Sam you have to understand it. Yeah i do. I laid with my head on his chest and started to fall asleep. It is that i don't have hate on Levi but when it is in the middle of the night and you are sleeping you really don't want to get pulled out of bed by a 5 year old boy so that he can lay besides his brother who was still awake and doing stuff on his phone. Levi what are you doing. I wanna be with Sam he said. Are you okay Jenn you fell pretty hard. Yeah i'm okay i only don't like it that he pulled me out of bed while i was sleeping. You look grumpy. I am grumpy i want to sleep. He shove a bit to the other side of the bed. Come on Levi Jenn wants to sleep too, he shove Levi to the middle of the bed so i could get back in bed. We all three fell back asleep.

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