7. Blaze

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Sandor stepped into his chambers after a long day of being bossed around by the little twat only to feel a crunch under his foot he looked down to see a piece of parchment under his foot. He stepped back bending down.

I'm sorry. –Avalon.

He opened it up to see a woman, a body, her body perhaps outlined by the fire, as it blazed around her.

Sandor looked over the painting. It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. His fingers traced along the edge of the woman the shadow of a woman illuminated by the fire. Fire.

He held it gently in his hands as he put it down on his nightstand he had to talk to her. He had to because he had scared her. She had opened her heart up to him calling him her muse and he stormed off. He didn't want to be the monster that everyone thought he was.

She saw him, part of him, and he thought that just maybe he wanted her to see more of him to let someone in for once. So he took off his armor and walked down to her room. He stood at the door so it seemed like he was eternity. He rose his fist to knock at the door but, he heard the soft scrapings of a lead pencil scratching against the sketchbook. And the soft hum of her voice, a song he did not recognize flowing through her head has she tried to get all of her feelings out for that night through her artwork.

When Avalon heard a knock at the door she looked up slowly. She put her pencil down abandoning her sketchbook on her bed. Her feet lead her to the door each trudging step. When she pulled it up she couldn't believe Sandor was staring back at her.

'I got your apology.' Sandor told her she nodded unable to speak as he looked down at her. 'But its I that should be apologizing.' He told her again she nodded slowly, 'can I come in?' She nodded again moving aside and opening the door so he could come in. She closed the door behind him curiously as he walked through her room before turning back to her.

'I'm really sorry if I scared you. And I did not mean any offense by it I swear it I've just been wanting to paint you since I first saw you.' Avalon began nervously. 'You were something truly extraordinary and I wanted to capture that.' she told him. 'I know I sound like a crazy person wanting to meet you, to talk to you. I'm so sorry. I know I should've asked you but I was nervous to talk to you. I still kind of am.' she admitted because his stare was intense his eyes locked on her and she felt a blush on her cheeks as she swallowed a lump in her throat.

'Why me?'

'Because you are quite possibly the most handsome man I've ever seen.' He laughed at that

'Now I know you're lying.' Sandor told her

'I'm not.  i've seen so many people, painted so many people, stared at so many faces, for hours upon hours to no end. I've examined every detail their face every wrinkle every line every mole every scar.' Avalon told him, 'I've seen and painted some of the people who claim to be the most beautiful.' She went on as Sandor watched her. 'Cersei Lannister is said to be the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros. But she does not captivate my mind as you do. Maybe just maybe I'll paint you I'll sketch your face. I'll look into your eyes, over analyze every single detail that makes you... you,' Avalon licked nervously at her dry lips, 'and then you will no longer consume my every thought.' Avalon told him

'You really got it bad for me don't you?' Sandor teased.

'If you would give me the honor of painting you, I promise I'll leave you alone.' Avalon told him, begged him, her voice pleading as she took a step closer she could feel his breath on her face.

'And what if I don't want you to leave me alone?' Sandor asked and that was not what she expected him to say at all.

'Oh... Well...' Her breath hitched in her chest and his lips got closer to her and she thought maybe just maybe he was going to kiss her but he whispered in her ear instead.

'I'll see you tomorrow.'

'You're going to let me paint you... Tomorrow?' Avalon asked as he left

'Why not,' he said nonchalantly as he closed the door behind him. Avalon squealed with delight after he left. This was everything she ever wanted since she first saw him.

 This was everything she ever wanted since she first saw him

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