14. Get Pretty for the King

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'Why is your mother dead set on us looking pretty for the King?' Jon asked as their faces were shaved clean their hair cut nicely.

'It's for the queen I bet.' Theon said

'I hear the prince is a right royal prick.' Robb added, 'But I heard that they have an artist, she is going to be painting the stark family.'

'Better pop that zit then!' Theon teased and Robb swatted at his hand. The starks were told to be on their best behavior so obviously Arya was going to be difficult.


'What are you doing?' Ned questioned, "where did you get that?' he pulled the helmet from arya's head and flattened her hair down. 'Go.' He told her pointing down the row of starks as the royal family approached.

Robert heartily slide down from his horse once they were inside the capital, Avalon stared, taking in everything around her as her horse came to a halt she loved new places, new people, it was like a fresh canvas just waiting for her.

Ned Stark and his family bowed before Robert, dropping to their knees as Robert approached. Robert motion for Ned to stand, Ned rose as did the rest of his family. Sandor offered Avalon a hand down, taking her waist in his hands lowering her to the ground before moving back to his post. He kept his helmet on, Avalon watched him, her mind already sketching what her hands could not. She pulled her sketchpad free of the horses saddle making a quick note, rough, rough outline before looking to the starks. They stood like perfect figurines, porcelain as the king spoke to them.

'Your Grace,' Ned said tipping his head to Robert.

'You got fat,' Robert noted but Ned looked down to Roberts stomach both men started laughing before they hugged joyously.

'Cat' Robert said happily hugging her before fussing with rickon's hair. 'Nine years it has been nine long years, I have not seen you where have you been?' Robert asked

'I've been here guarding the for north for you, your grace.' Ned said obediently. He went down the row of stark children greeting them.

'You must be Robb,' the king said shaking his hand, sansa smiled sweetly, while arya looked bored, Bran was asked to show the king his muscles, the boy smiled as he raised up his arms. 'He's going to be a fighter, a soldier!' Robert said before moving back to Ned.

Avalon watched the little boy, that face, that smile, she wanted to capture that. but the wolves caught her attention. She took a step towards them when she heard the king call for her.

'It is an honor to have you, your grace.' Catelyn said curtsied before cersei.

'Take me to the crypts... Avalon! Come on, I want you to draw something for me.' Robert said leading Ned away. Avalon followed after them.

''We've been riding for a full moon don't you think the dead can wait?' Cersei called after them.

'Come on let's go,' Robert said leaving his family behind. 'Ned this is Avalon our little artist. Avalon, this is Ned stark.'

'pleasure to have you.' Ned told her as they walked.

'she is going to do you the honor of a family portrait while we are here.' Robert informed him.

'Wonderful.' Ned told her a bit confused. 'Let me know what you need, I'm sure my wife would love that.' ned told her.

'It would be an honor, you have such a beautiful family..' Avalon told him as the walked.

'I heard about Jon Aryn.' Ned said once they were in the crypts.

'One minute he was fine. And then right through him... whatever it was. I liked that man,' Robert remarked.

'We both did ,' ned agreed.

'Alright Avalon, this is Lyanna.' Robert told her. 'I want you to sketch her for me.' Avalon studied the statue. 'can you do it?' Robert questioned.

'I will do my very best.' Avalon assured.

'Never had to teach you much,' Robert noted 'but do you remember me at 16? all I wanted to do was crack skulls and fuck girls.' He looked to Avalon her fingers gently running along the statue. 'but you have always been a good boy and you always knew what was what.' Robert went on, Ned smirked over at him. 'Don't look at me like that,' Robert told Ned 'it's not his fault I didn't listen. I need you down in Kings Landing Ned. Not up here where you're no good to anybody,' Robert told him. 'Lord Eddard stark I would name you the hand of the King.' Robert declared. Ned got down to one knee.

'I'm not worthy of the honor.' He told Robert.

'I'm not trying to honor you I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom will I eat drinking whore my way to an early grave,' Robert told him as a chuckle escaped avalons lips. 'Come on Ned, stand up,' he said patting his shoulder 'you helped me win the iron throne now let me help me keep the damn thing. We were meant to rule together. If your sister had lived we would've been bound by blood but it's not too late,' Robert told him. 'I have a son you have a daughter we will join our houses.' He said walking off.

'Can I stay here?' Avalon questioned as Ned watched Robert leave.

'You can stay or come back whenever you like, the castle is your to roam.' Ned told her.

'Thank you Lord Stark.' Avalon said she started a rough outline, ned watched her curiously. He had never had a portrait done before. 'So your sister Lyanna, she was to be married to the king?' Avalon questioned.

'Yes, but she died before she got the chance.' Ned told her softly.

'Would you like one too? Of her? Lyanna?' Avalon asked, she sat on the ground on her shins, her heels digging into her ass as she looked up at the lyanna statue.

'If its not too much trouble.' Ned told her.

'No trouble at all.' Avalon assured.

Portrait// Sandor Clegane (1)Where stories live. Discover now