38. Chasing cats

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'Seven hells! What happened to you?" Ned bent down next to arya as he looked her over. Dirt covered her body, while her eyes held concern and worry. "You know I had half my guard out searching for you?" Ned questioned. "Arya, you promised this would stop." Ned sighed.

"They said they were going to kill you." Arya proclaimed

"Who did?' ned questioned confused.

"I don't know. I didn't see them. But I think one was fat."

"Oh, Arya." Ned said shaking his head.

"I'm not lying. They said you found the bastard. And the wolves are fighting the lions and the savage. Something about a savage." Arya didn't know what any of it meant. Ned knew.

"Where did you hear this?" Ned questioned.

"In the dungeons. Near the dragon skulls." she said it as if it was the most obvious thing location for her to be wandering.

"What were you doing in the dungeons?" Ned gave her a scolding look.

"Chasing cats." Arya said it so calmly like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She had told him she would be chasing cats, now that ned thought about it.

'Pardon me my Lord,' Jory said coming into Neds office where he was talking with Arya. 'there's a night watchman here saying it's urgent,' Ned nodded standing from the desk

'What's your name friend?' Ned questioned

'Yoren, if you please. This must be your son he's got your looks.'

'I'm a girl!' Arya exclaimed

'Did Wende send you?' Ned questioned

'No one sent me my Lord, I am here to find men for the wall see if there's any scum in the dungeons that could be used for the service,' He informed ned

'We will find recruits for you.' Ned assured.

'Thank you my Lord that is not why I disturbed you. You're brother Benjen's blood runs black that makes him my brother as much as yours it is for his sake I rode here so fast and damn near killed my horse there are others riding to, the whole city will know by tomorrow.'

'Know what?' ned questioned cautiously.

'Best said in private my Lord.' he looked at arya, kissing the top of his daughters head Ned sent her off.

'Go on we'll talk later. Jory take her safely to her room.'

'Come on little lady you heard your father.' Jory said leading her out.

'Well?' Ned questioned

'It's about your wife my Lord, she has taken the imp.'


'Do not smile!' Avalon demanded. 'that's so rude!' But Sandor couldn't help but chuckle. His laugh, deep in his throat it gave Avalon goosebumps.

'Oh Love...' Sandor nuzzled into her.

"It's not polite.' Avalon reminded him.

"It's fucking funny is what it is.' Sandor corrected.

'Tyrion is probably very scared and all alone, why do you think she took him?' Avalon questioned.

'Cause he's a cunt.' Sandor told her and she smacked at his chest. 'Everyone I've ever know was a cunt, except you that is, he probably did something to piss her off.' Sandor said nonchalantly.

'So abducting him? That seems a bit extreme for angering someone.' Avalon countered.

'Weasels like him never seen to be gone long.' Sandor told her. 

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