29. Lady

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Sansa was terrified they were on their way to Kings Landing and all of the knights were horrifying beasts she stumbled backwards running into Sandor.

'Do I frighten you so much girl?' sandor questioned she didn't answer, 'or is it him thats making a shake? He frightens me to look at that face.' Sandor teased.

'I'm sorry if I offended you sir.' Sansa said sheepishly he only stated at her, a deep frown on his face as he walked past. 'Why won't he speak to me?'

'He hasn't been talkative the last 20 years since the mad king had his tongue cut out.' Sandor informed her before seeing Avalon head in her book as she sketched as she walked, she had the remarkable ability to focus on one thing among the madness.

'He speaks well with his sword though.' Joffrey remarked and sansa smiled turning to him, 'serving the kings justice... he is the royal executioner.' he clarified 'what is it my sweet girl? Does the hound frighten you?' Joffrey asked, concern in his voice. 'Away with your dog you're scaring my lady.' Sandor tipped his head leaving he went to find Avalon, she was better company.

Arya was sparing with one of the children by the river. Avalon loved that look arya got when she had a blade or bow in her hand. She ran back to get her notebook but when she came back she heard screaming and Joffrey was on the ground clutching at his arm.

'Avalon!' he screamed. 'I want them killed, all of them!' Joffrey demanded clutching at his arm, small tears in his eyes. Avalon helped joffrey up pulling his hand away from his arm.

'Nasty bite.' Avalon remarked. 'Go find your father,' Avalon whispered to arya and she ran off as avalon helped joffrey back to the queen.

'Joffrey!' Cersei declared horrified, 'what happened?' She demanded

'The stark bitch attacked me,' joffrey told her. 'Her dog too!' Avalon took a step back letting joffrey go but cersei looked up at her.

'You didn't stop them?' Cersei asked accusingly.

'Avalon wasn't there mother,' joffrey told her. 'She came when she heard me scream.' Joffrey added softly.

'I want arya stark found and brought to me immediately!' Cersei demanded and her knights were off.


Ned pushed through the crowd of people to his daughter arya who immediately started apologizing

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry' she exclaimed he held her face in his hands.

'Are you hurt?' ned questioned looking her over.

'No.' she told him softly.

'It's alright' he coed as he hugged his daughter close looking over to Robert. 'what is the meaning of this?' he demanded 'why was my daughter not brought to me at once?'

'How dare you speak to your king in that manner.' Cersei said calmly but threateningly.

'Quiet woman' Robert demanded 'sorry Ned I never meant to frighten the girl but we need to get this business done quickly.'

'You're girl and that butchers boy attacked my son.' Cersei told him. 'That animal of hers nearly tore his arm off!' Arya clung to her father.

'That's not true!' arya exclaimed 'she just... Bit him a little.' Arya looked to Ned, 'he was hurting Mika.' Arya told her.

'Joffrey told us what happened,' cersei informed her. 'you and that boy beat him with clubs while you set your wolf on him.' Cersei spat.

'That's not what happened!' Arya shouted.

'Yes it is.' Joffrey insisted 'they all attacked me and she threw my sword in the river!'

'Liar.' She spat.

Portrait// Sandor Clegane (1)Where stories live. Discover now