20. Rough night

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'Rough night imp?' Sandor questioned fixing his boots.

'If I get through this without scratching one end or the other it will be a miracle.' Tyrion told him drunkenly, his head was spinning, he hated the north.

'Didn't pick you for a hunter.'

'I am the greatest in the land my spear never misses.' he said drunkenly, his words slurred.

'It's not hunting if you pay for it.' Sandor remarked getting up as Tyrion drifted back asleep in the stables.

Avalon spent most of the next day watching the stark children as they played with the royal children. She spent even more time watching the wolves. When she was at the rock she adored the hounds in the kennel. Drew them constantly. She missed drawing animals while at the capital. So rarely she saw ser pounce Tommens cat.

'Avalon!' Jon called the next morning she was already hard at work she looked up from her sketch.

'Hello Jon'. Avalon said pleasantly. 'What do I owe the pleasure of your company this fine morning?'

'You dropped this.' Jon held out the led pencil.

'Oh wonderful.' Avalon held out her hand and he dropped it into her palm. 'Clumsy me. Thank you Jon.' Avalon put into her sketchbook before turning back to her work. But jon didn't move he stared down at her. 'Jon.' She warned pulling her book to her chest.

'Right no one sees until it's done.' Jon recalled.

'Good boy. Now run along but not too far. I need to see your handsome still,' Avalon teased jon blushed as he left. She got back to work watching the children.

'Damn,' Sandor spoke startling her.

'Bell.' She told him. 'I need everyone to ring a damn bell when they come up to me.' She told him.

'The bell would likely make you shit yourself.' Sandor told her and she considered it.

'You are... probably right.' Avalon admitted.

'Can't I see it?' Sandor questioned. He watched the prince from afar as he rested his chin on Avalon's shoulder.

'You know the rules.' Avalon reminded him

'But you're not drawing me.' Sandor told her.

'Rules.' She told him simply.

'Yeah, yeah,' he sat down next to her leaning back against the table as the prince tried his best to flirt with sansa. 'Poor girl.' Sandor muttered. 'Gonna be stuck with that cunt.'

'The prince has his moments.' Avalon told him. Though few and far between they were he had them.

'You paint him a mural and get a moment of kindness the rest of us get constant jackassery no appreciation whatsoever.' Sandor told her and Avalon ran a hand along his cheek.

'I appreciate you.' Avalon told him before turning back to her work.

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