Chapter 8 - Food Deprivation Punishment

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An: I'm sorry but this series does not contain a detailed bed scenes.


Tharn and Type now living and known As Emperor Jiwon and Consort Lin suddenly found solace on each other's arms.

Tharn look at Type with love evident in his eyes, Type returns the same gaze, more loving and caring.

As they reach on each other's clothes, feeling each other's bodies, their movements became fast and agile, fueled by love and thirst of bodily desires.
They were like travelers in a desert, the thirst they thought was unstoppable but when they found each other, their thirst was satiated.

After that sweet moment, Tharn let Type laid on his chest, as he rubbed his long hair.

"Back then we just wished to be in a danmei novel, you even joked that you want to be an Empress." Tharn chuckled as he remembered each details.

"Yes, and now look at us, It suddenly come true but me not an Empress but as a Consort." Type smiled sweetly as his fingers traces Tharn's chiseled chest.

"The situation now is dire in the inner court, the ministers is forcing me to have an heir or I will proclaimed the brother who shot Emperor Jiwon to be the Crown Prince but I cannot do that." Tharn felt like he is suddenly trap in a dilemma.

"Oh, about that heir thing, Since the day I arrived here, Empress Han sent a whole carriage filled with herbs to make me pregnant, just like him so I tried to take it earnestly so I can give you an heir. It's the only way I can do to help you."

Tharn nodded,"Yes, I believe in Empress Han... They helped the past Emperor Jiwon and me a lot."

Type frown remembering something, "I'm suddenly feeling anxious about what will the Empress do after I spent the night with you. Before I came here she had me drunk a contraceptive Tonic. And I am very sure tomorrow, she will lash out on me. Will I be able to retaliate?"

Tharn smiled at him,"Don't, let her be cocky for a while, my people has been watching their moves, Prime Minister Bei has been aching to steal the seat as the Emperor, I won't be surprise if Empress Ann will collude on them just to stay in power."

Type nuzzled on his neck, "It's getting late, let's get some sleep." Planting a soft kiss on Tharn's jaw, Type close his eyes to sleep.

Tharn held him closer and kiss his forehead, "Goodnight Baobei."


The next morning, Type woke up alone in the big bed, he knew that Tharn went to attend morning court, realizing that he needs to greet the Empress as per the Yuan people's tradition, Type jolted up in bed.

Yuli who has been waiting for him to wake up, hurriedly help him washed up and dress for this morning greeting.

"Your Grace! We are already late, I wonder what the Empress will do!" Yuli is obviously trembling in fear, this is not their country anymore, she knew that Consort Lin did not want to make problem with Empress Han Kana.

"It's fine, let her to wait." Type calmly sip his tea before grabbing his breakfast in a leisure manner.

Yuli wanted to protest but she remembered what the Emperor said this morning, her job is to follow Consort Lin's orders.

She remembered something and she smiled widely.

"Your Grace, His Highness said that after you greet the Empress, you go and find him and he will go with you to our new residence, Eunuch Yong said that he will handle the transfer of our things as well... The Emperor said that He will announce to the court regarding your promotion."

Type raise a brow,"Promotion?"

Yuli nodded joyfully, "I guess it is being an Imperial Consort or something like that, probably next to the Empress."

Type nodded and eat his food in a fast manner, "Looks like I need to ask my father to hire more shadow guards for me. We will going against a hard wall. Tell Lin Shu to meet us after we see the Emperor, I need to talk to my father."

Yuli nodded again, "Noted!"


"How dare that lowly peasant of being late?! Who the hell she think she is? She just spent a night in the Emperor's chambers and now she's acting high and mighty, making this Empress wait for her?!" Empress Ann is fuming mad.

The concubines went silent hearing her lashed out, some of them pitied the Exiled Consort, some of them silently sneered out of jealousy and some of them remained neutral and silent.

Lia, her personal servant approached her and whispered something fueling her rage.

Empress Ann totally lost her calm and threw the vases on the ground.

The concubines faces turns pale in fear.

"That bitch! I will kill her!" She shouted aloud but Lia held her hand.

Whispering, she said, "Quell your anger Your Highness, please mind your position."

Empress Ann drew a sharp breath tried her best to calm down.

Unbeknownst to them, Type heard all this commotions.

He gently push the door and went in, the concubines look at him in complex emotions.

This Consort is indeed brave, he didn't even falter, his movements are graceful and dainty as he strode to the throne, kneeling to greet the Empress.

"This lowly Consort greets Her Highness, Empress Ann."

Empress Ann who has been raging for a while, scoffed loudly. "Hmp! You are 1 shichen* late!"

(AN: SHICHEN is a time unit used in ancient China, 1 Sichen is equivalent to 2 hours)

Type feign being weak and frail as he remain kneeling.

"This Consort asked for forgiveness."

Empress Ann stood up on her throne as she crouch down to level Type's face, she held her chin up and the moment Type look into her eyes, she slapped him hard, left and right.

Type was stunned and unable to move. The slapped rendered him deaf for a while, he felt like cymbals are ringing on his ears.

"Your Grace!" Yuli slump down as she tried to help Type.

Empress Ann felt satisfied as she felt the impact in her palm, her anger dissipate.

"Lia, tell the Imperial kitchen that The Exiled Consort from Siam refuse to eat for the whole day."
Of course, Empress Ann didn't directly tell that she bestowed the punishment of deprivation to Consort Lin because she is jealous but she put the blame on Type by saying these words on his behalf.

Lia was shocked for a while, of course the Empress is jealous so she tend to punish Consort Lin on hunger.

"Yes!" she answered and left to go to the kitchen to tell the the order of the Empress.

The concubines are all mess in their thoughts, it is clear that Empress Ann didn't want to offend the people behind Consort Lin that's why not giving him food is only his punishment.

Back then when Empress Ann is jealous, she will directly ask someone to kill a concubine who spent the night with the Emperor.

Type sneered, the Empress is showing her true colors.

"You will not leave your chambers and no food for you until tomorrow, if I will caught you sneak food, your punishment will be doubled. Everyone dismiss!" Empress Ann shouted.

Yuli helped Type to stand up.

"Your Grace, what should we do?" Yuli felt her heart broken as she look at Type's swollen cheeks.

"I'm going to play the pity card, the Emperor said that I should meet him right? Then I will show Empress Ann how I already wrapped the Emperor in my tiny fingers after one night."

Unable to understand, Yuli just nodded.

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