Chapter 34- Zhen will reward Miss

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Chapter 34


Lin Yu was just finishing up the bandage on the emperor’s wounds when she heard a flapping wings sound on the window.

She stealthily got up and let the pigeon in.

Tharn sat on the bed while his back was on the headboard.

Madam Lin served him with food as Lin Yu read the content of the letter.

"I felt like the dragon here was fake. Yu'er, the phoenix will be captured as planned of the fake dragon. All her family will be in doomed, what should I do?'

"Mother, Your Majesty... this is from my fiancée, Second Rank General Bo Lin. He said that the fake emperor will capture Imperial Consort Lin and his family. They are in danger. I guess Bo Lin wrote this before he received my letter. If he received it later, he would know that Your Majesty is safe and now is currently gathering the troops for Your rescue. Please recuperate well."

Tharn nodded in agreement.
"Bo Lin is always trustworthy. Rest assured, if Zhen survived these obstacles, Zhen will repay all these favours."

Madam Lin and Lin Yu kneeled.
"May Your Majesty live ten thousand years. This commoner honours serving the Emperor."

"Please rise, no need for formalities." Tharn motioned them to stand up.

Madam Lin bowed for a bit and asked permission to leave.
Seeing the aura of the Emperor felt suffocating. It was like being with one of the gods.

When Tharn agreed for Madam Lin to leave, he turned to ask Lin Yu,
"Miss Lin, your way of treatment is really familiar."

Tharn remembered that this way of treating poison was similar to South East Asians way of removing rabies from a dog bite.
Lin Yu used enamel glass as a suction while those people used animal horns.

Is she a transmigrator like them?
Lin Yu smiled proudly.
"Empress Han used this way when he saved my husband back then, as well as His brother General Han and the rest of the princes."

Tharn was stupefied when he heard this.
His mouth agape and his eyes widened.

The appearance of a mighty Emperor crumbled.

Good thing Madam Lin isn't here in this room anymore. It would be a shattered to her emotions earlier.


Lin Yu did not even flinch when she saw the expression of the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I am the real Consort Lin of the traitor second Prince of Siam. Daughter of Minister Lin, Lin Yu. I can't clearly explain such absurd phenomenon, but I drank poison while on the way to the Yuan Empire. I know I died. When I woke up, I was already on this body."

Tharn frowned. This is the real Lin Yu? So before Type's soul occupied his body, he was transferred to another?

"Your Majesty must be shocked. I was as well. Much more when I heard that there was a renowned, favoured Imperial Consort Lin in the palace. I was torn into revealing myself many times, but I realised later on, for what? That's the life I tried to run away from. I was tired of fighting for love and favour. I wanted freedom. I wanted someone to love me. Then I found Bo Lin. The Lin family loves me, and I am happy."

"You don't have any interior motive? I realise that Bo Lin has been asking for your guidance as I saw your reaction while reading your letter." Tharn probe.

Lin Yu shook her head, "I do not have any. I am already happy as I am. Your Majesty. Rest assured, I won't say anything, and I am contented with what I have now."

"Good. That's good." Tharn sighed in relief.

Come to think of it, if Lin Yu really wanted to get back what's his, he would enter the palace to be one of his harem beauties when she was not yet engaged with Bo Lin, in that way, based on his experience in Siam, she can scheme his way up.

Consort Lin was a close friend of Empress Han, and based on that alone is he really wanted. He can easily defeat Type.

But she did not.

"Rest assured, Zhen will reward Miss Lin."

"Thanking Your Majesty. Please rest well. One of these days, they will come to rescue you."

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