Chapter 35- The Rui Knights

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Chapter 35

Bo Lin stood inside a huge and wide cave.

The 2,000 knights trained personally by the emperor were there as well.

"Is this the famous Rui Knights?" Eunuch Yong almost squealed in delight.

The men were equally dashing and handsome.

Their overall black armours and shiny swords fit them well.

"So dashing..."

"Rui Knights, here me out! The emperor in the Palace is fake! I, Bo Lin, can testify that the real emperor is alive and well. I will assign 500 of you to stand guard in the entrances and exits of the Forbidden Palace. 500 of you will be sent to the borders to announce to our allies there, along with the evidence that His Majesty is alive and well, and the one in the palace is fake. Another 1000 of you will protect the citizens around the empire. Make sure that they won't get out of their homes in three days comes. I will bring the Emperor back. Follow my orders!"

"We will, General!" Theu roared in agreement.

"So powerful." Eunuch Yong dreamily said.

Bo Lin, Eunuch Yong, and the rest of the 50 assassins from Jianghu went to Linjia Village to fetch the Emperor.

The Rui knights dispersed as well and did what they were told to do.

The people in the capital felt like the atmosphere was very calm and quiet. It feels like this is the calm before the storm.

That very night, each home except the people who supported the fake emperor received a guest wearing a Rui Knight badge. Warning them to stay in their homes and not to engage when they heard commotions.

In fear, everyone agreed and decided to stay at home to not be implicated.



"Your Majesty!" A man wearing in black suddenly appeared.

Tang Xie lift up his head from the neck of the concubine he's currently with.


All the women in the Imperial Harem got an equal share of his affection. Sometimes, five of them in one go, of more to pleased the Emperor.

The man in black motioned to let the woman out.

Tang Xie understood that this was serious to he sent her out.

"What is it?"

"Master... I found out that some people secretly went to houses all around the capital to warn them for the possible storm. Second Rank General Bo Lin also asked for leave and said he would visit his fiancée to prepare for their marriage. Also, a word Rui Knights was discussed everywhere in the capital."

"Heh, that's fake news. Prime Minister Bei was sure that Ling Jiwon was dead. His son, General Bei, personally shot him with a poisoned arrow, and he was shot on the legs. Given the days after the incident, do you think he can recover in a short time? Even so, no one will believe him. The ministers are on my side, and Imperial Consort Lin and her allies are all in prison. In three days' time. We will execute them all." Tang Xie said in all confidence.

The man in black was still worried,
"But master, what if—"

Tang Xie raised his finger. "Shush! If he comes, then I will kill him. Everyone knows I am Ling Jiwon. Then, we will just brand him as the master of Tang Sect, who wanted to get revenge for what happened to his mother, Empress Tang. Go prepare the execution grounds."


The man in black assented, though still doubtful.
Revenge truly clouded his master's brilliant mind.



Type was on the corner. Around them was the prison cell of their loyal followers. The children and elderly were sent to exile while the men and young madams were imprisoned with him in different prison cells.

No one said a word. No one even cried. Everyone believed in the message they received from Imperial Consort Lin to stay calm and don't make a fuss.

This is their way of expressing their gratitude to Imperial Consort Lin.

They received equal opportunity, benefits, and wealth while he was still the Empress Regent. If this is the last te for them in this world, they won't leave with resentment in their hearts.

The prison cell squeaked open, and a might and dashing figure went in.

He slowly walked to Imperial Consort Lin side.

"If you only accept me, none of this will happen."

Type scoffed at him, "Tang Xie, you are shameless."

Tang Xie laughs out loud. "You finally know me."

Type smirked at him, "Of course. After a whole day of thinking. I know it was you. I was dumb back then to use my personal identification token to gather men to protect me from Jianghu. I was a fool on thinking that now all people are bad. I was really a fool."

When he read books before, where the main leads used former enemies, turning them into allies, they were successful. But why did it not happen to him?

Bai Xiaoyu attempted to kill Tharn on the Winter Banquet because she didn't have a choice. His only brother will die.
And now that his brother was finally having his own life and identity. Bai Xiaoyu betrayed him.

Tang Xie guessed what he was thinking.
"You might be wondering why Bai Xiaoyu betrayed you? Miss Bai is a kind-hearted person. She is like a cornered rabbit. She won't bite when unprovoked. So, I used his son as a bargaining chip. Our son, actually. Also, her greed, I asked her to work for you for a while to help me learn about Ling Jiwon, also for her to learn from you. I promised her to be my side Consort, and Empress Ann agreed on this agreement."

Type chuckled dryly.

Empress Ann and Prime Minister Bei were his known enemies, so he was always on guard about them, but he did not even notice the people around him because he was too confident that they were on his side.

Thus, the betrayal of Bai Xiaoyu really put Type on despair.

"You are really unwilling to be with me?" Tang Xie probed again.

He liked Imperial Consort Lin eversince he saw him in the temple.
Aside from insulting Ling Jiwon, it will be a complete package to his revenge to get everything he owns.

Type spat at him. "I would rather die."

Seeing his reaction, Tang Xie gripped his hands until his knuckles turned white in anger.

"Then prepare to die in three days' time."

"I'm not afraid of death. I already died once. Dying again is not frightening anymore. It will be a relief."

TTS2: HIS NAUGHTY EMPRESS (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant