Chapter 23- Meeting the Tang Sect Master

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"A letter for you, master."

A male with a towering height wearing a black robe embroidered with golden snakes sitting on a soft cushion, his almond shaped eyes shines like a shimmering stars, his pointed nose and thin lips arc in a sinister smile, his willow-like brows displays a frown.

He accepted the letter and read it.

"Fenghuang Temple,  midnight, Fallen Sparrow."

This five words made Tang Xie frozed.

"If I remembered clearly, Xiaoyu has been captured months ago by that person on that throne?" Tang Xie said as he read the note.

"Yes Master, you agreed for her to accept the mission because of that person."

Tang Xie clicked his tongue.
"So unfortunate of her to be held captive. Do you think the Emperor himself will see me? What do you think if he sees my face?"

"He will probably got shock Master."

Tang Xie nodded and did not respond.
He crumpled the paper and throw in on the brazen, seeing it ignited with fire felt like his heart was also burn to ashes.

After his mother became the Empress of Yuan and secretly gave birth to twins which is a bad omen to the Empire, Tang Xie was sent away while Ling Jiwon remained.

Their Mother, Empress Ling died and the entire Tang sect failed to protect her.

All of that was blamed to the current Emperor Ling Jiwon by the entire Tang Sect lead by Tang Xie.

He won't ever recognize that person!




Empress Ann gently rubbed her still flat stomach. Her trump card to remain in her unshakable position is here and she should take good care of it.

"How's the preparations for the banquet?" She smiled happily.

"Your Highness, rest assured everything is ready. Her Higmust not tire herself." Lia answered as she put some cut fruits on the table beside the Empress.

"The Emperor? Any news from him?"

Lia shook her head, "Nothing, Your Highness. A servant reported to me that His Majesty came back looking gloomy and dejected after he went to Fenghuang Temple."

Empress Ann clinched her fists, her long nails embedded on her palm.
"I am celebrating my pregnancy and yet he went there to visit that slot and yet he has been treated coldly!"

Lia appeased her, "Your Highness... you shall not be angry. It's bad for your condition."

Empress Ann rubbed her belly again.
"I will give birth to a Prince then I will personally sent Consort Lin to death!"



"Everything is set? We will depart to the Palace after I meet him." Type fastened the belt of his clothes he got from Lin Qing.

He wore his veiled hat, he will not reveal his identity, facing a dangerous person who lead a group of assassins is not easy.

Type was one in the modern world so he clearly know what to do at times like this, disguise is a must.

"Your Grace, what do you think will happen if he will not agree to your request?" Yuli said as she worried about it.

"I'm not going to request to him, silly girl. I'm offering a job to them. Remember to stay close to Lin Qing." Type ordered him and sent everyone away as he waited on the spot.

Miss Bai told him that they usually met in this spot much to Type's relief, Fenghuang Temple is one of the meeting spot of the Tang sect.

Cold wind seeped through Type's skin despite the layers of clothing, he is still not accustomed to this kind of winter.

The howling chilly wind carried a whistle accompanied by a sound of an enticing musical instrument.

Type followed the sound and he ended up under the huge begonia tree.

The man sitting on a branch is wearing a black cloak with golden snakes embroidery which is a total opposite to the wolf mask he is wearing.

He gently put down the flute and said, "Where is Xiaoyu?"

Type frozed when he heard the voice, he tilted his head and looked sideways to hear him well.

"Could it be that you have a problem in your hearing?"

Type was stunned again! That sounded like Tharn is talking to him!

Type cleared his throat and in his manly voice he answered, "Miss Bai is doing well. I came here to open a negotiation."

Tang Xie looked at the person, he looked tall but his veined hat covered his entire face down to the chest.

"Whomever you are, I am the Tang Sect master, is this how you want to negotiate with me?"

Type throw an exact replica of the seal of the Imperial Noble Consort Lin.

"Is this enough? I just need manpower and force to bring the Bei family down and restore the Bai family."

Tang Xie  was quite taken aback.

The Bei family suppressed his forces in the Capital forcing him to withdraw to Nanjing while the Bai family is the exact culprit of his mother's death.

"Do you need assassins?" Even if he feels complicated, Tang Xie still asked.

"Yes, You helped Miss Bai so I supposed we are on the same side?" Type inquired.

"I don't know who you are and what was your enmity against the Bei family but I will help you because bringing the Bei family down means crippling the force of that person sitting on that throne. Then it's a deal. I will send a message to Xiaoyu once the mercenaries are ready." He said and flew away.

Type followed him in his eyesight.
The weight of his tone carried a lingering rage and hatred to the Emperor.

Who is the Tang Sect Master?
What is his connection to the Emperor?


An: I don't know but the consequences will be heavy since Type used the seal of the Impe Consort. I hope he will have a way out on this.

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