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An: This is the end.

In the fourth year of Emperor Ling Jiwon of Ling Dynasty, his beloved Empress gave birth to a healthy son and named him Xulei, which means a thunder in a brilliant shining sun.

A year later, Empress Lin gave birth again to a beautiful little princess. They named her Jinyu means brilliance of gems in the universe.

Yu Lin, who helped the Emperor when he was wounded, was summoned in the palace to receive her reward.

She was given a land in her fief and named as an Honoured Lady in the capital. Emperor Ling personally bestowed marriage between her and the now Imperial General Bo Lin.

Emperor Ling gave Bo Lin the authority in the entire empire, leading the Imperial guards and the Rui Knights.

Some people protested in fear that Bo Lin would someday betray the emperor someday, but Emperor Ling refute them.

Back then, when he was struggling, it was Bo Lin and Lin Yu helping him. If they wanted to betray him, they already did it at the time of his weakest.
Why would he choose to betray him when he is strong? It's definitely absurd.

Emperor Ling successfully managed to modernise little by little copying the modern era where he and Empress Lin came from.

They built boats, large ships for trading, and agricultural equipment to help the farmers. They also build schools and academies that even women can study.

Meanwhile, Empress Lin focused on his gender equality campaign. Even the concubines who resided in the harem were basically included in this gender equality program.

Empress Lin contacted Empress Han of Siam to form an alliance about these issues, and they instantly clicked.

The Lin family is originally a merchant family. Thus, by using their businesses, they help the empire earn more riches.

The Chun family, as the military family, along with the brother of Empress Lin, helped protect the borders for peace.

No wars ignited in the time of Emperor Ling's reign.

Emperor Ling and Empress Lin led the Yuan Empire in  peace and prosperity.


Many years later, as time passed by like a whirlwind, 
Emperor Ling and Empress Lin
accepted  the daughter of Empress Han as the new Empress of Yuan.

Princess Jiajia, the daughter of the traitor Empress Ann, was betrothed to Bo Shu, the son of Bo Lin and Lin Yu, while Ling Xian the son of Bai Xiaoyu and Tang Xie grew up as an Imperial Physician and married the daughter of Lin Qing and Yu Lin who was now a free woman after being freed by Empress Lin on her service.

Empress Lin aged gracefully and became the Empress dowager while Tharn became the Emperor Emeritus right after their son inherited the throne.

They travelled everywhere, enjoying their freedom, reminiscing the modern era they came from.

"Baobei, thank you." Tharn held Type's hand as they looked at the calm seas.

They went on voyage and enjoyed a first class cruise.

"You keep on thanking me every time you had a chance, My ears are now bruised on that." Type joked.

"Thank you for helping me and for being with me, here and from where we came from." Tharn kissed his forehead.

Type looked at his wrinkled face,
"Babe, I never expected us to be together until we are old and grey. Yet here we are admiring our wrinkles. Thank you, too, for loving me despite what era we were."

"Of course, we still had a long time together. I love you, my Empress."

Type can not help but blush,
He gently smack Tharn on his arm.
"We're already at this age, yet you're still mushy. Why don't we get inside the cabin and do something..."

Words can not express how much he loved Tharn, so he tends to do it by using his actions.

Tharn laughs heartily. Indeed, this is Naughty Empress.

TTS2: HIS NAUGHTY EMPRESS (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now