Chapter 13: Twelfth Legion Fulminata

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Hello there! So this is quite funny. I just discovered there is a character called Claudia in Camp Jupiter Classified who is a legacy of Mercury...Ah well, too late to change now. 

As you will see in this chapter I like the Romans maybe a tad bit too much.   


"Legionaries, you are dismissed", Julius said. As the legionaries left, Claudia looked at her centurion.

"Speak, soldier", he said.

"Did I see you, the stoic Julius, show some emotion?" Claudia asked.

"No. I just didn't want that kid to die", Julius responded. "And if you ever suggest something like that again I will have you court-martialled."

"Yes, centurion", Claudia said with a small smile. Julius saw something glittering at the bottom of the river, so he picked it up.

"What is it?"

"The kid's trident", Julius said. He looked closely at the trident. "You know what that means?"

"No, sir, I don't", Claudia answered.

"It means we might have a child of Neptune on our hands", Julius said.


Percy's POV

The first thing Percy saw was a bright white light. For a moment he thought he was dead, but then he remembered that his uncle enjoyed being dark and gloomy a bit too much. 

"Consul, he is awake", Percy heard vaguely. He heard footsteps coming towards him. A young man with a golden armour and a purple cape stood next to his bed. 

"Well, son of Neptune, you've been very lucky. Not everyone survives an encounter with a hydra", he said. "I'm Marius, son of Mars and one of the consuls of this camp. You are?"

"Perseus Jackson, son of Neptune. But you knew that already", Percy said. 

"Julius, the centurion you've already met, had a guess when he saw your trident", Marius said as he took the golden pen out of his pocket and put it on the table next to Percy's bed. "I must admit, it's an impressive little toy."

"A gift from my father, apparently", Percy said. 

"And quite a gift it is. Although it's not pure imperial gold, is it?" 

"Mixed with mortal metals. According to Triton in case the legacies get annoying", Percy said. 

"You've met Triton?" 

"He gave me the trident. My father couldn't be bothered with me. I still don't really know if the trident was a gift from him or my father", Percy said. Marius smiled. 

"The gods aren't good parents, but there's nothing you can do about it. I used to be angry at my father for not being there, but you get used to it", he said. "Anyway, I should going now. I have business to attend to. I'm sure we'll meet again soon, Perseus." Once Marius left he heard some talking outside. After the talking stopped Percy heard new footsteps approaching. It were the two guards he had seen at the tunnel. 

"Good to see you're awake kid", the guy said. "I'm Julius, son of Apollo, centurion of the Fourth cohort. And I've been told my guess about you was correct." Percy nodded. 

"Perseus Jackson, son of Neptune", Percy said. Julius looked at the other guard with a smile.

"I was right, wasn't I Claudia?"

"Yes centurion, you were right", the other guard, Claudia, responded with a sigh. 

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that", Julius said with a grin. 

Perseus Jackson: quarter Greek, quarter Roman, half WizardWhere stories live. Discover now