Chapter 7: Atlantis

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"Mom, why did you want me to come down?" Atalanta asked.

"I want to tell you something and for you to meet someone," Sally said.

"What is it, mom?"

"You have...a brother...and a half-brother," Sally said. Atalanta's eyes widened.

"REALLY!?" Atalanta (nearly) shouted excitedly. "I'VE ALWAYS WANTED A BROTHER!" Sally laughed at how exited her daughter was.

"Do you know what makes it even better?" Sally asked.

"What? What? What? What? What is it mom?"

"They're both here," Sally said after nodding to Percy and Triton. The two stepped into the room. If possible Atalanta became even more exited and she rushed at the two.

"Are you my brothers?" she asked with tear-filled eyes.

"Yes, I am your full brother Percy and he is your half-brother Triton," Percy said. Atalanta hugged the two of them as tight as she could. Percy hugged his sister back while Triton stood there shocked for a little while before also hugging Atalanta. After a few minutes Atalanta looked up.

"Is daddy alive then?" she asked hopefully. Percy and Triton looked at each other before they looked at Sally who nodded.

"Yes he is," Triton said.

"But mommy said he was lost at sea."

"He was, but he has been found. But you shouldn't worry about them now," Triton quickly added.

"I think Triton and I should leave," Hestia said.

"Who are you?" Atalanta asked.

"I am your aunt, Hestia uhm Jones," Hestia said.

"I have an aunt?"

"Several, but Hestia is one of the two normal ones," Triton said.

"Will Percy stay?" Atalanta asked. Percy looked at Hestia and his mother who both nodded.

"Yes, I will. For now." Percy said. Atalanta squealed and hugged Percy again. Percy looked at Triton and Hestia who nodded before they left.

"We have a spare room. You can have that one Percy," Sally said.

"," Percy said. 

A few days later

After a few days it was time for Percy to leave again. Hestia was going to bring him back to Atlantis so he could talk with his father. Sally and Remus had told Percy about his magical heritage and Sally's fake death. The rest of his time Percy spent playing around with Atalanta. 

"Are you ready Percy?" Hestia asked. 

"Yeah aunt Hestia, I am," Percy said. Just as Hestia opened the door Atalanta came running up. 

"When will I see you again?" She asked Percy. 

"Soon enough, sis," Percy said. Atalanta hugged Percy who hugged her back. 

"Let's go Percy," Hestia said. Percy let his sister go and walked out the door. After the two walked a for a bit Percy stopped and turned around to wave at his mother and his sister who were still standing in the doorway. Soon Percy and Hestia were out of view of the house, so Hestia stuck her hand out to Percy. Percy took her hand and they flashed away.

Perseus Jackson: quarter Greek, quarter Roman, half WizardWhere stories live. Discover now