Prologue part 4

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"I'm sorry Percy, but this is best for you. I'll visit you as soon as I can, I promise." Sally said before kissing him and handing him to Hestia crying. Percy didn't cry but looked sadly at his mother and then at the new woman. Her eyes attracted his attention and he looked straight at them. The woman looked at him surprised as he seemed so happy. The boy looked at his mother and held out his little arms.

"Mama" he said.

Everyone looked at the child shocked.

"How old is he again?" Hades asked.

"Five months old." Sally said proudly picking him up.

"Even our godly children can't speak at such a young age and they age faster." Apollo said.

"Maybe your blessing sped up his development nephew." Hades said.

Apollo shone at the compliment.

"I'll miss you Percy. You'll stay with your cousin Artemis or with your aunt Hestia." Sally kissed Percy's nose causing him to giggle.

"Mama" He said before falling asleep again. Sally looked at him sadly.

"We'll keep you up to date Sally. I promise." Hestia said.

"Thank you. All of you." Sally walked up to Poseidon. "Please make sure he'll be alright." She said before taking Poseidon's hand, disappearing with him.

"I'll go back to the Underworld now. Good luck my Champion." He said before stepping into the shadows and disappearing.

"Let's go to your sister, Apollo." Hestia said. Apollo nodded and disappeared before Hestia went up in flames. 

At the Hunters' camp

"Milady, Apollo's here." Phoebe said to Artemis.

Artemis looked up from sharpening her hunting knives.

"Very well. I'll go meet him." Artemis said unenthusiastically. She stood up and walked out of her tent to meet her brother, who was, surprisingly, sitting at the campfire ignoring the Hunters.

"Not flirting with my Hunters for a change? What's wrong?" She asked cynically.

"That's how you greet your younger brother? Geez, family these days isn't what it used to be." Apollo said.

Artemis stood the looking for words. Not only hadn't he flirted with her Hunters, but he also called himself her little brother.

"Who scolded you?" She asked.

"Me" a voice said. Hestia stepped out of the fire holding something Artemis couldn't make out.

"Aunt Hestia, thank you. I don't know how long I would've been able to stop my Hunters from attacking him." Artemis said.

"You can thank me by getting all your Hunters here. I'll explain then." Hestia said.

"Phoebe, tell Zoë to gather everyone and bring them here."

"Yes, Milady." Phoebe said before running off.

A few minutes later

"Alright aunt Hestia, why do you want to speak us." Artemis asked. Just as Hestia was going to answer the child in her arms woke up. He looked around.

"Mama?" He asked.

The older hunters sat there shocked while the younger ones cooed at the baby.

Perseus Jackson: quarter Greek, quarter Roman, half WizardWhere stories live. Discover now