Prologue part 3

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Sally and Poseidon sat hand-in-hand for a few minutes.

"Sally, I'm sorry for carrying you into this." Poseidon said after a while.

"What do you mean?"

"Without me you wouldn't have these problems now. It's all my-"

"No. Without you I wouldn't have had one of the best year of my life and my beautiful son. The rest is what comes with it." Sally said. 

Suddenly Poseidon looked up, wide-eyed.

"There's someone here." He said quietly. There was a nock on the door. Sally got out her wand and Poseidon his Trident before they quickly opened the door and pulled the person inside.

"What was that for?" The man said.

"Remus" Sally said.

"Sally, you have to leave. The Order knows your location! They'll kill you!" Remus said.

"I've tried aswell, but she is more stubborn that my brother." Poseidon said.

Remus only now noticed Poseidon and quickly bowed. Remus was one of the few people who knew Sally's lover's true identity.

"None of that Remus. A friend of Sally, is a friend of mine. So no bowing or Lord stuff." Poseidon said.

"I was afraid you would refuse." Remus said.

"Remus, you know that as long as I'm with Percy they can track us. Poseidon will take Percy to his niece Artemis and I'll fake my death so I can live a peaceful life somewhere else. Preferably on the other side of the world." Sally said.

"Talking about Percy, I want you to meet your godson, Remus." Sally said taking Percy out of Poseidon's arms. Percy woke up and looked happily at Remus. What Remus shocked most were his eyes.

"His eyes are..." Remus trailed off.

"Sea-green is from Poseidon, orange rim If from Hestia, onyx specks are from Hades and golden specks are from Apollo." Sally explained.

"I hope to one day speak to you, Percy. I will meet you one day. I promise." Remus said. "I must go before the others notice my absence."

"Take care Remus. And remember: Sally won't die. She's a legacy of Hades and Hecate. They'll work together to keep her alive and create an illusion so everyone thinks she died. Then I'll bring her to another country. I can't tell you more yet, but I'll keep you updated." Poseidon reassured him.

"Thank you for taking care of her Poseidon. You know she's like a sister to me."

"I know Remus."

"For now, goodbye Sally, Poseidon." Remus said before he walked outside and apparated away.

"I'll bring Percy to Hestia now. Remember the plan. Once they come-" Poseidon said.

"I pray to you. They 'kill' me. Hades saves me, Hecate makes an illusion from the mist and before they reach my 'body' you appear, chase them away and take my body with you never to be seen again." Sally recited.

"Good. I'll see you later Sally." Poseidon said kissing her and taking their son out of her arms. He then picked up bags with the child's and Sally's belongings. 

"You know that we won't be able to be together anymore do you?" Sally asked.

"As long as you're alive I'll be happy." Poseidon replied before he disappeared his a sea breeze.

Perseus Jackson: quarter Greek, quarter Roman, half WizardWhere stories live. Discover now