Chapter 20: The Weasleys are weird

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Hello there once again. Enjoy your next chapter!


"So because I'm the only not to ask you to the ball, I'm the only one you want to go to the ball with?"

"Now you say it that way it sounds a bit stupid", Andromeda said sheepishly. "But the truth is that I told my parents about you. They said that both our names come from Greek mythology."

"I'm aware of that", Percy said.

"Also that Andromeda was Perseus's wife?" Andromeda asked.

"I was aware of that too", he said.

"Wouldn't it be poetic if we were together?"

"It would be. But those are just stories", Percy lied. "Do you think I'm some son of Zeus?"

"No", Andromeda said. "But you have the looks for it."

"The sky isn't quite my style", Percy said with a smile. 


Percy's POV

"It has been another wonderful year at Hogwarts", Dumbledore said. "So many young minds have joined us and will leave us. To all our Seventh Years, I wish you the very best in your life. I know you will do well in your careers. To all the others, I look forward to seeing you again next year! So for one last time this year, enjoy your dinner. Afterwards I will announce which houses have won this year's competitions." 

After everyone had finished eating Dumbledore returned to the front of the stage. 

"Now, as promised, I will tell you this years's champions" Dumbledore said. "This year's Quidditch champions is Ravenclaw!" Cheers rose up from the Ravenclaw table as there was some half-hearted applause from the other tables. 

"Now the House Cup. In fourth place with 205 points...Hufflepuff!" Sighs came from the Hufflepuff table and a small applause from the other tables. 

"In third place with 225 points...Gryffindor!" Sighs from the Gryffindor table and a small applause from the others. 

"In second place with 290 points...Ravenclaw!" The sighs from the Ravenclaws was silenced by the cheers from the Slytherin table. 

"And in first place with an exceptional 340 points, Slytherin!" The cheers from the Slytherins became even louder. 

"Congratulations to Slytherin for their third consecutive House Cup victory. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and I will see you next year!" 


Once the train arrived at King's Cross the next day Percy said goodbye to Adrian, Miles and Andromeda. As he got of the train he saw Fred and George struggling to get their luggage off the train. 

"Do you need help?" Percy asked. 

"No, we can handle it", George said. 

"What have you put in there?"

"Nothing", Fred said. Percy raised an eyebrow. "Maybe some things for new pranks." 


"We might've raided Snape's supplies as revenge", George said. 

"Do you want come home with us? Our mum had said she wanted to meet you", Fred said. 

"Are you trying to get me into your plot?" 

"No!" George said. "Maybe? Yes." Percy chuckled. 

"Maybe another time", he said. "I have to get back to America." 

Perseus Jackson: quarter Greek, quarter Roman, half WizardWhere stories live. Discover now