Prologue part 2

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"I don't believe the world will actually burn." Poseidon said.

"What do you think then brother?"

"You just gave him firepowers did you not? So he can burn things. So either he will accidentally kill someone who was the world to him or..." Poseidon said.

"Or?" Hestia asked.

"Grandmother" Poseidon replied.

Hestia's eyes widened and looked at the baby that was now sleeping in his mother's arms.

"He will be the one of the Great Prophecy." Hestia said. "After father rises, grandmother will rise."

"And Percy will be the one to lead Olympus to victory." Poseidon said.

"We must tell Artemis to keep her Hunters in check. If they do to him what they have done to some Campers he will get bitter and join father. And you know the prophecy: Olympus to preserve or raze. Then he'll be the destruction of Western Civilisation AND the Wizarding World." Hestia said.

"When you say father and grandmother you mean...?" Sally asked.

"Kronos and Gaia. And most Titans and Giants aswell." Hestia said.

Sally went quiet and looked at the child in her arms. She realized that this child would be one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful demigod and wizard to ever live. And either the preservation or destruction of not one, but three worlds: mortal, wizarding and godly.

Sally looked up sadly, knowing that this would be her last few minutes with her child for years. Suddenly the shadows in the house flickered and there was a man with onyx eyes standing in the room. 

"Brother, sister, Sally." The man addressed them. 

"Hades, why are you here?" Poseidon asked. 

"We have a common enemy here brother. If Zeus finds out he will kill Sally and the child, regardless of the consequences. As he tried to do to two of my children." The man, Hades, said. 

"Children? You broke your oath aswell?" Poseidon asked. 

"Hmm, no they were born even before the Second Great Mortal War. I didn't want them to go to camp because I knew they would be casted out just like all my children are. Zeus found out. I was able to protect my children, but Maria...Zeus hit the building with his Master Bolt. I-I tried to save her-" Hades said before he broke down. 

Hestia walked up to him and hugged him. 

"It's alright brother. You have us remember?" Hestia said. 

After a while Hades stopped crying and turned to Sally.

"Hello again Sally." Hades said

"Hello Hades." She replied

"So what brings you here brother?" Hestia asked. 

"I've been keeping an eye on Sally. Poseidon, Hecate and I thought of our plan to fake Sally's death. And well here we are." Hades said. 

"And since I'm here, I've decided to bless your child and you." 

Sally looked at him with wide eyes before he walked up to him and hugged him. 

"In the short time I have known you, you've been more of a father than my true one ever was. Thank you." Sally said. 

Hades stood there shocked before hugging her back, crying slightly. After they broke away he touched her head and she was surrounded by a black glow. Then he walked to his brother who now had the child in his arms. The child opened his eyes and smiled at him and Hades was shocked to see an exact copy of his brothers eyes, but with an orange rim. He looked at his sister. 

Perseus Jackson: quarter Greek, quarter Roman, half WizardWhere stories live. Discover now