Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake

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Peter couldn't sleep at all and what was even more annoying, was that Friday was trying to threaten him by waking up Tony or May which he didn't want her to do so he turned on the protocol where Friday isn't allowed access to his room or him in general.

He made sure to turn on the protocol in the morning and Friday wasn't happy but he hopes she could forgive him. It's Christmas after all.

Peter tiredly gets off his bed and checks his phone.

December 25th, Saturday.

He looks outside to see snow covering the grass. Somebody definitely already cleaned up the snow on the towers sidewalk and the streets because there are now uneven piles atop of the snow on the grass and as he looks to the other sidewalks, most of them are still covered in snow.

Clint and Scott had left last night on the quinjet with all of their presents to return back to their families and he hopes they had made it safely. The only reason why he knows that they returned is the quinjet being parked on the roof in its visible form.

As soon as Peter enters the comms, he sees the tv screen paused and Yelena facing him.

"You sneaky spider. Guys come look at the news!" Yelena calls for everyone to come look at the tv. Without saying anything, Yelena clicks play.

"Spider-Man had made his reappearance! He stopped by several children hospitals and orphanages to deliver them all presents for the holidays! Some kids had even told their parents how they saw Spider-Man swinging outside their homes to wave at them! Police had also been called to scenes only to see a gang webbed up. This is a Christmas miracle" the news reporter explains the nights events.

The news switches to a different topic which makes Yelena turn the tv off as they are all now facing Peter.

"I'm so proud of you honey! That was so nice of you" May hugs her nephew. "Don't tell me where you got the money or else I'm changing my mind about being happy and Merry Christmas."

"Got it, Merry Christmas"Peter nods, hugging her back before they separate.

"Is that why you look so tired?" Steve wonders.

"Oh uhhh yeah, it is" Peter slightly lies.

"I made breakfast" Pepper announces, saving Peter from more questions.

"You ready to go back to school?" Sam teases as they are all now eating breakfast at the table.

"Why did you have to bring that up?" Peter pouts.

"Because I wanted to see your reaction" Sam smirks.

"It's Christmas man, come on" Peter whines.

"Are you though? Cause we can always push back the day" Tony makes sure.

"I'm ready, plus we are almost done with our homework. Tomorrow is like our last day of it I'm pretty sure" Peter claims.

"Oh while we are talking about this, Peter we are going back to the apartment on the second since school is on the third. Mj, Ned and Flash will be having a sleepover and Happy will be driving you all to school and picking you guys up after AcaDec practice" May explains.

"Wait, there's a AcaDec practice?" Peter questions.

"When was the last time you checked your emails?" May wonders.

"Uhhh well I have classes with Mj, Ned and Flash either when we are all together or if I'm with one of them. Point is, they check their emails since we have the same work" Peter shrugs.

"What if a teacher privately emailed you?" Vision asks.

"Well I didn't think about that but I also don't feel like going through all those emails now" Peter responds.

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